Why does a child smell rotten from the mouth?

Such a phenomenon as bad breath from the child is observed quite often. Basically, its appearance is not associated with any serious diseases, however, it is also impossible to leave this fact without attention. A similar situation can be observed with dryness of the nasal cavity, oral cavity, digestive problems, and also under stress.

Because of what there is a smell from a mouth at the child?

Quite often mothers complain that the child smells rotten of the mouth, but why so, they can not understand. This phenomenon was called galithosis in medicine. The most frequent reasons for its development are:

Apparently, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of the smell of decay from the mouth in the child. Therefore, the main task of the pediatrician is to establish exactly the one that caused the violation in a particular case.

How to deal with bad breath?

If the child smells of the mouth and nose rot, you can not let the situation go by itself, and wait until everything passes by itself. First of all, you need to contact the pediatrician, who after the examination will send to a more narrow specialist. In most cases, this type of disorder is diagnosed by an ENT doctor.

In those cases when the cause of the smell is purulent and chronic diseases of the ENT organs, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. In some cases, if there is damage to the sinuses of the nose, in which pus accumulates, which produces an unpleasant smell, a procedure is carried out for their washing. As a rule, after that the smell completely disappears.

Sometimes, as already mentioned, the cause of the appearance of odor may be a disease of the oral cavity. In such cases, the child is referred to the dentist. The main task of the doctor is to identify and remove the focus of infection. For example, quite often in young children due to irregular oral hygiene can develop caries. As a result of the destruction of dental tissue and an unpleasant odor. In this situation, the tooth is removed. After this, the doctor appoints rinses using antiseptic solutions.

Thus, the process of combating the odor from the mouth completely depends on what caused it to appear.