Rites for Easter to get married

Easter is considered an ideal time for various rituals, including love rituals. If a lonely girl wants to find her soul mate, then this time is definitely worth using. There are various rites to get married, which are simple and affordable. The main condition, without which you will not get what you want is a strong belief in a positive result and in magic .

Signs and ceremonies for Easter for marriage

There is a very effective and ancient ritual that begins on Pure Thursday. It is believed that the girl who holds it, will by all means get married within a year. The task is to clean and wash the body with a new towel on Clean Thursday. It should be on Easter, along with Easter cakes and eggs, to give to people who ask for charity.

There are ancient signs that show that the girl will soon meet a decent man, and he will lead her to the crown. It is believed that if a lone fair-haired woman combed an eyebrow, it means that soon she will meet her soul mate. Another sign - if the food standing on the Easter table, accidentally got an insect, then we should expect the arrival of matchmakers.

Ritual №1 . This rite for Easter, to get married, is called "Love Awakening". This is due to the fact that it is believed that this day the origin of life. To perform the ritual, take a large red candle, which is a symbol of love energy. Light it, look at the flame and think about love, and then, say these words:

"Burn fire, give strength to my words."

Take a glass of water and say such a conspiracy:

"I charge water, I give it strength, so that it brings me true and pure love."

It is important that breathing is concerned with water. The conjured up liquid should be sprinkled with a bouquet of roses, and then, tear off any three petals. They should be connected with a thread using a needle. Ready mascot put in a bag made of natural cloth, and carry it with you for nine days after Easter. Will only get the dried petals and pound them in the wind. You can also do this over a natural water body.

Ritual №2 . The next Easter rite to get married is called "Three Ribbons for Happiness". For its carrying out it is necessary to take three ribbons of red, green and white color. Tie them together from one end to the knot, and then, weave the pigtail. It is important at the end to leave a tail of at least 15 cm in length. The length of the pigtail should be about 10 cm. It should be hung near the window inside the room, so that it is blown by the wind. Leave the pigtail for three days, and then, the bands weave into your own hair. Do this kind of hairstyle is worth every day during the Easter week. After the time of the tape hang on any tree with female energy.

Ritual №3 . Another effective rite is to marry a rich and good man. Buy slippers and put them in front of your house. If, in addition to you, someone else lives, then put them in your room. At Easter, light the red candles and say such a conspiracy:

"As this wax melts from the burning fire, so the grooms come to the servant of God (your name) from my great slander. They appear before her clear eyes and obey, they bring their soul. I call on the threshold of future brides: not lazy people, not thieves, to love the servant of God (name) more than himself, more brothers and sisters, friends and girlfriends. Take the spirits of the servant of God (name) by the hand and lead to the altar. "

After this, it is worth to lie down and imagine the company of people and to distinguish a man among them. To finish the ritual , imagine also the aroma of coffee, and hear the sound of water. Imagine yourself on the beach, so you activate the warm feelings that love will attract. This rite will help a widow to get married.

Ritual №4 . To attract the second half, you need to take a handful of wheat grains to the Easter service. During the service, keep it near your chest, and then, pour it near the threshold of your house. It is worth saying such a conspiracy:

"How many in the church there were from the candles of the lights, so much to me and suitors. How many in a handful of grains, so many suitors for me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This ritual is suitable only for girls who were not married, and they did not have a serious relationship. Thanks to him, you can increase the chance in the near future to meet your soul mate.