Can I eat bananas on a diet?

Bananas are an exotic fruit for our area and have a pleasant taste. Using this fruit for food, there is a rapid saturation and therefore the question arises: can one eat bananas during a diet to dull the feeling of hunger. Studying the composition of this fruit, we will find many substances that are useful for diets, but we should not forget that during long transportation the quality of the product is lost.

They bring to us bananas from distant countries in special chambers filled with gas, so most of the useful substances in them are destroyed.

Large large bananas are contraindicated in the diet at all, because they are fodder, that is very nutritious and, conversely, contribute to weight gain. They are unpretentious in growing and one inflorescence has a decent weight, so they are of low cost and are more often found on the shelves of our stores.

The calorie content of bananas depends on their variety and ranges between 60-170 calories per 100 g of weight. The maximum caloric content is fodder varieties, and the least quantity of calories is inherent in dessert varieties - honey and Mysore rust.

Can I eat bananas while losing weight?

In the fight against extra pounds with a diet, you can eat bananas, only small, that is, dessert varieties that contain valuable substances.

Bananas contain a useful vitamin B6, which is indispensable in protein metabolism. He also activates the production of serotonin - it provides a sound sleep and a good mood.

In our body with bananas comes a large amount of potassium. This mineral is necessary for free carbohydrates to become energy, rather than being stored in reserves. Potassium helps to regulate the water-salt balance, so it removes excess fluid from the body and reduces swelling. The huge merit of potassium in maintaining the heart rate is also indispensable in carrying out impulses in the heart muscle.

Dessert varieties of bananas contain vitamin E , which is a powerful antioxidant, helps fight aging cells thereby increasing the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. With diets, vitamin E, is useful in that it helps to "melt" fat reserves turning them into fatty acids, which the body uses as a source of energy.

Contained in bananas and vitamin C, necessary to enhance the body's defenses. With the help of ascorbic acid, products of decomposition of oxidative reactions in our body are deduced, therefore it is a powerful antioxidant.

Using bananas for food, you saturate the body with carbohydrates , which is not desirable for diets.