Cashew is good and bad

Cashew, which is also called Indian nut, grows in the warm, humid climate of Brazil, Africa, Asia, etc. And it is customary to eat not only nuts. They are the second, to be exact the lower half of one fruit, the upper part of which is orange-red and very juicy, resembling an apple in shape. From her prepare compotes, juices, jams, jellies and alcoholic beverages, well, the bottom is freed from shells and exported around the world. The benefits and dangers of cashews will be described in this article.

Cashew benefits for the body

It is primarily determined by the composition of the Indian nut. It contains a number of nutritional elements, among which are vitamins A, E, PP, group B, mineral salts - copper, manganese, selenium, calcium, phosphorus , potassium, zinc, iron, as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nicotine acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc. Nuts are characterized by tonic, antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. In the native land of the Indian nut, its broth is used to combat respiratory diseases - bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

In general, cashews have a powerful healing effect on the body, improving the work of the brain, lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, restoring the work of the digestive system. Still ancient Indians have found out, that nut butter is capable to eliminate a toothache and a hemorrhage of gums. Cashew is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, and thanks to the vitamin E that is part of it, it has a beneficial effect on the sexual function of men, increasing potency. In women, it increases libido and sexuality, ensures the correct development and formation of the fetus during pregnancy.

Today, Indian walnut is recommended to include in food cores, hypertensive patients suffering from dysentery, anemia, bronchial asthma . The ability of cashew nuts was discovered to eliminate many skin diseases, and for successful treatment it is recommended to use it both inside and outside. With it, you can get rid of warts, dermatitis and cracks, strengthen your immunity. More recently, the media reported that cashews successfully suppress the growth of cancer cells, and therefore should regularly enter the diet of cancer patients. The use of cashews for women is also in its cosmetic properties and abilities to eliminate dry skin, fight wrinkles and signs of aging.

Benefits and Harms of Cashew Nuts

The benefits of cashews are told a lot, but we can not but note their harm to the body. First of all, this product can cause individual intolerance and allergic reactions. The latter especially often develop in persons who consume them in large quantities. Cashew in raw form is generally impossible, because under the shell nut is covered with a thin resinous film, including poisonous substance kardol. In contact with the skin, it provokes a severe burn, until the appearance of blisters, so you can only imagine what will happen if he will get into the body.

Therefore, cashews are exported only in fried form, the use of which far exceeds its harm, because thermal treatment neutralizes the action of the cardola. I must say that this toxic substance also found application: it is used in the woodworking industry, covering them with wood to protect it from rotting. When choosing Indian nuts, you need to pay attention to their appearance: it's better if they are whole, not shredded. This allows you to extend the period of their storage. But if the nuts taste bitter, then it means that they are unsuitable for food. Most likely, the storage conditions were violated or the product is already too old.