Effective diet for a month

Initially, the word "diet" - meant only a specially established diet. That is, not for weight loss, but simply a prescribed menu. We believe that diet and weight loss are identities that are inherent and self-evident.

However, in order to look good, it is not necessary to eat half a grapefruit and a leaf of lettuce. Our body is very responsive to good, healthy food, so we recommend that you arrange yourself a month of healthy nutrition. And whether you want after the harmfulness that actually hinder the figure, we'll see after ...


In order for our diet to be effective for a month, we must adhere to only a few rules:

  1. Keep a food diary - not all your life, but only a month. Yes, it's tiring, but if you can write down most of the food within a month, you will have an exceptional opportunity to analyze the pros and cons of your diet .
  2. Color therapy - for the soul and body. The menu of our effective diet for a month should be multicolored - try, that simultaneously on a plate there were no less than three colors. In doing so, avoid products of white color - often, they harm the figure (starch, flour, sugar, salt, fat). This approach teaches you to eat in a variety of ways.
  3. Replace - you need to drink at least 1.5 liters per day. But after starting to count, you may be confused by the need to drink another glass when you already hear the movement of water in the stomach. Better focus on the replacement of "bad" water "good". So, soda replace water with a lemon, in a cafe, do not order cola, but fresh or cocktails with natural juices.
  4. Without prohibitions . The most effective diet for a month is when you yourself do not refuse anything, and at the same time happily lose weight. Once you enter the prohibitions, the body begins to mobilize forces and slows down the metabolism. To do this, he has an enzyme lipoprotein lipase, which protects your fat cells as soon as you sit on a hunger diet.
  5. We accelerate the metabolism . This is promoted by useful protein products ( cottage cheese , hard cheese, whey), as well as seafood (sea kale, octopus, shrimp, shellfish, fish, etc.).