Preparation of a greenhouse for winter

There is an opinion that the most troublesome period for a summer resident is spring. But autumn preparations for winter in autumn are no less troublesome and require a lot of attention. To prepare a hotbed for spring, you have to do a lot of activities in the fall and forget about even trifles can not.

Preparing a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter

Conditionally, it is possible to divide the preparation of the greenhouse in autumn into three main points. First we release it from the plants, then we prepare the soil for planting in the spring:

  1. First of all, our task is to remove all plantings of annuals, and also to put in order perennial plants. All obsolete plants without signs of disease or pests are sent to the compost pit, the rest should be burned.
  2. Preparing the soil in the greenhouse in the fall will take you more time. If we talk about beds with annuals, the top layer is simply removed and replaced by a fresh fertile one. When perennials hibernate in the beds, it is necessary to dig a trench along the landings and put humus in it, mulch from above. All this is sprinkled with ashes and covered with soil. At the very end, it is a solution of urea.
  3. No less important is the third stage of preparation of the greenhouse for winter - disinfection. Typically, the treatment is done with sulfur fumigation, special solutions or bleach. The sulfur method is good only for high greenhouses, but it also has its weak points: on a metal frame this will not affect the best way, namely it will shorten the service life. When preparing a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter, it is preferable to use solutions of copper sulfate, formalin or lime. If you prefer organic cultivation, you can always use for preparation of a greenhouse in the fall with tobacco, mustard or ash infusions, as well as garlic. To prepare a greenhouse with a frame made of wood for winter, it is recommended to use copper sulphate, a dome of PVC and glass is enough to process with boiling water and vinegar.