25 most dangerous poisons known to mankind

The Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsus once correctly noted: "All substances are poisons; there is not one that is not. It's all about the dose, "and he was absolutely right.

Paradoxically: the human body is almost 70% water, but even water in large quantities - is fatal. However, sometimes even a drop of a substance is enough, which can lead to a lethal outcome. From flowers to heavy metals and gases produced by the same person; Below is a list of the most dangerous poisons known to mankind.

25. Cyanide

Cyanide exists as a colorless gas or crystals, but in any case it is quite dangerous. It smells of bitter almonds, and getting into the body, in just a few minutes leads to the appearance of symptoms such as headache, nausea, rapid breathing and increased heart rate, and weakness. If the time is not taken, cyanide kills, depriving the cells of the body of oxygen. And yes, cyanide can be obtained from apple seeds, but do not worry if you eat a few. You will have to eat about ten apples before you have enough cyanide in your body and you will feel all of the above. Please do not do this.

24. Hydrofluoric acid (Hydrofluoric acid)

Hydrofluoric acid is a poison used, among other things, for the production of Teflon. In the liquid state, this substance easily percolates through the skin into the bloodstream. In the body, it reacts with calcium and can destroy even bone tissue. The most terrible thing is that the effect of contact manifests itself immediately, which increases the likelihood of serious damage to health.

23. Arsenic

Arsenic is a natural crystalline semimetal and, perhaps, one of the most famous and widespread poisons used as a weapon of murder in the late 19th century. However, its use with such goals began in the mid-1700s. The action of arsenic lasts from several hours to several days, but the total is one - death. Symptoms of poisoning - vomiting and diarrhea, which is why 120 years ago it was difficult to distinguish between arsenic poisoning from dysentery or cholera.

22. Belladonna or Death Passover

Belladonna or Deadly nightshade is a very poisonous grass (flower) with a romantic history. The alkaloid, called atropine, makes it toxic. Absolutely all the plant is poisonous, though in varying degrees: the root contains the most poison, and the berries - less. However, even two pieces are enough to kill a child. Some people use belladonna for relaxation as a hallucinogen, and in Victorian times, women often dripped belladonna tincture into the eyes, so that the pupils widened and their eyes glittered. Before death, under the influence of belladonna, an attack develops, the pulse becomes faster, and confusion develops. Belladonna - children are not toys.

21. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide)

Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) is a substance without odor, taste, color and slightly less dense than air. It poisons and then kills a person. Partially carbon monoxide is so dangerous precisely because it is difficult to detect; sometimes it is called a "silent killer". This substance prevents the ingress of oxygen into the body for the normal functioning of cells. The earliest symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to influenza without temperature: headache, weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, insomnia, nausea and confusion. Fortunately, a carbon monoxide detector can be purchased at any specialized store.

20. Beach apple tree

The most dangerous tree in the whole of North America is growing in Florida. The Manciniella tree or the Beach apple tree has small green fruits that look like sweet apples. Do not eat them! And do not touch this tree! Do not sit next to him and pray that you will never be under it in windy weather. If the juice gets on your skin, it will cover with blisters, and if in the eyes, you can go blind. The juice is contained in leaves and bark, so do not touch them!

19. Fluoride

Fluoride is a very poisonous pale yellow gas that has corrosive properties and reacts with almost anything. To fluorine was lethal enough to its concentration of 0.000025%. It causes blindness and suffocation, like mustard gas, but its effect is much worse for the victim.

18. Sodium fluoroacetate

As a pesticide, Compound 1080, also known as sodium fluoroacetate, is used. In its natural form it is found in some species of plants in Africa, Brazil and Australia. The terrible truth of this deadly poison without odor and taste is that there is no antidote from it. Ironically, the bodies of those who died from exposure to sodium fluoracetate remain poisonous for a whole year.

17. Dioxin

The most dangerous artificially created poison is called dioxin - it takes only 50 micrograms to kill an adult. This is the third most toxic poison known to science, 60 times more toxic than cyanide.

16. Dimethylmercury (neurotoxin)

Dimethylmercury (neurotoxin) is a terrible poison, as it can penetrate most standard protective equipment, for example, through thick latex gloves. It was this story that happened with a chemist named Karen Vetterhan in 1996. A single drop of a colorless liquid hit his gloved hand, that's all. Symptoms began to manifest themselves FOUR MONTHS later, and six months later she died.

15. Aconite (The Wrestler)

Aconite (Fighter) also known as "monk's hood", "wolf's poison", "leopard's poison", "female curse", "devil's helmet", "queen of poisons" and "blue rocket". This is almost a whole genus, which includes more than 250 herbs, most of which are extremely poisonous. Flowers can be either blue or yellow. Some of the plants were used not only in folk medicine, but also as a weapon of murder during the last decade.

14. Amafoxine

The toxin found in poisonous mushrooms is called amaxin. It acts on the liver and kidney cells and kills them for several days. Can affect the heart and the central nervous system. There is treatment, but the result is not guaranteed. The poison is resistant to temperature and can not be disposed of by drying. Therefore, if you are not 100% sure of the safety of the collected mushrooms, do not eat them.

13. Anthrax

In fact, anthrax is a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. What makes you sick is not so much a bacterium as a toxin that it produces by getting into the body. Bacillus Anthracis can penetrate the system through the skin, mouth or respiratory tract. Mortality from anthrax, transmitted by airborne droplets, reaches 75% even though there is a drug.

12. Plant of hemlock

The Boligols are a classic poisonous plant that was regularly used for execution in Ancient Greece. There are several varieties, and in North America, water hemlock is the most common plant. After eating it, you can die, despite this people still add hemlock to the salad, considering it an acceptable ingredient. Water hemlock causes painful and violent convulsions, convulsions and tremors. Those who experienced the full power of the white-headed, but survived people, can subsequently suffer from amnesia. Water hemlock is considered the most deadly plant in North America. Watch out for young children and even for teenagers when they are walking on the street! Do not eat anything unless you are 100% sure of its safety.

11. The Strychnine

Strychnine is usually used to kill small mammals and birds and is often the main constituent of rat poison. In large doses, strychnine is dangerous for humans. It can be swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. The first symptoms: painful muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting. Muscle contractions eventually lead to suffocation. Death can occur within half an hour. This is a very unpleasant way to die, both for humans and for rats.

10. Maiototoxin

Most knowledgeable in such things consider maytotoxin as the most powerful marine toxin. It is contained in algae-dinoflagellates, called Gambierdiscus toxicus. For mice, the meiototoxin is the most toxic among non-protein toxins.

9. Mercury

Mercury is a heavy metal, quite toxic to humans, if you inhale or touch it. Touching can lead to skin flaking, and if you inhale a couple of mercury, it will eventually turn off your central nervous system and everything will end in a lethal outcome. Before this, probably, kidney failure, memory loss, brain damage and blindness will occur.

8. Polonium

Polonium is a radioactive chemical element. Its most common form is 250,000 times more toxic than hydrocyanic acid. It emits alpha particles (not compatible with organic tissues). Alpha particles can not penetrate the skin, so polonium must be taken or injected into the victim. However, if this happens, the result will not take long. According to one theory, a gram of polonium 210, introduced into the body. can kill up to ten million people, causing first radiation poisoning, and then cancer.

7. Cerberus

The tree of suicides or Cerbera odollam acts, disrupting the natural rhythm of the heart and often causing death. A representative of the same family as Oleander, the plant was often used to conduct an "innocence test" in Madagascar. It is estimated that 3,000 people a year died from the use of Cerberus venom before in 1861 this practice was declared illegal. (If a person survived, he was found not guilty.) If he died, it no longer mattered.)

6. Botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin is produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, and it is an incredibly powerful neurotoxin. It causes paralysis, which can lead to death. Botulinum toxin is known by its commercial name - Botox. Yes, this is what the doctor injects into the forehead of your mom to make it less wrinkled (or in the neck to help with migraines), which causes muscle paralysis.

5. Blowfish

Blowfish is considered a delicacy in some countries, where it is called Fugue; this dish, for which few are literally ready to die. Why does death begin? Because in the entrails of the fish there is tetrodotoxin, and in Japan about 5 people a year die from eating a puffer as a result of a violation of cooking technology. But gourmets continue to persist.

4. Gas Zarin

Gas Zarin makes you experience the worst moments in life. The chest contracts, stronger and stronger, and then ... death comes. Although in 1995 Zarin's application was declared illegal, he was never used in terrorist attacks.

3. "Poisonous Arrow"

The Golden Frog "Poisonous Arrow" is tiny, charming and very dangerous. Just one frog the size of a phalanx of the thumb contains enough neurotoxin to kill ten people! A dose equal to about two crystals of salt is enough to kill an adult. That's why some tribes of the Amazon used poison, putting it on the tips of hunting arrows. One touch of this arrow kills in a few minutes! Walking in the forests of the Amazon, follow the rule: do not touch the red, blue, green and especially yellow frogs.

2. Ricin

Ricin is even more dangerous than anthrax. This substance is obtained from the Kleshchevina beans, the same plant from which the castor oil is extracted. This poison is especially toxic if it is inhaled, and its pinch is enough to kill an adult.

1. "VX"

The code-named "Purple Possum", belonging to the VX group - is the most powerful neuromuscular gas on Earth. It was created by man, and for this you can "thank" the United Kingdom. Technically, it was banned in 1993, and the US government allegedly ordered the destruction of its reserves, but whether it really is, one can only guess.