Septic for a country house

Until recently, before all the owners of country houses that did not have a connection to a centralized sewage system, the problem of domestic wastes was acute. As a rule, the collection of effluents was carried out in a cesspool. We had to minimize water consumption, constantly monitor the filling of the pit and often pumped it out, which entailed additional inconveniences and material costs. Now, with the advent of septic tanks, all these difficulties are a thing of the past.

Septic for a country house

Technically, a septic tank is a large capacity for collection of domestic waste water, within which there is a specific system for their purification. This design is placed in a prepared pit and buried. It is clear that the sewage pipe is connected to the septic tank from the house. Its maintenance is reduced to pumping once a year the septic of an insoluble sediment formed during operation. A legitimate question may arise, and which septic tank to choose for a country house ? The choice of a septic tank (or rather its volume) depends on whether you live in the house constantly or only from time to time. For the first case, septic tanks are fully suitable for cleaning, and in the second case, a cumulative septic tank is sufficient. And also the volume of the septic tank depends directly on the number of users. Again, the question arises, but for a country house which septic tank is the best? Here are a few parameters that will allow you to navigate in the selection of autonomous sewage systems :

According to those who have been using septic tanks for a long time on their countryside sites, it is possible to make a kind of rating of the best septic tanks for a country house - Tank, Triton, Rostok, BioClean, Poplar, Aqua-Eco, Aqua-Bio. But! This is a very subjective rating and in no case is advertising!