Calories for weight loss

It's not a secret for anyone that in order to lose weight, you need to eat less. If you comply with this requirement, it is no longer a bad thing. However, you do not just have to eat a little, you should also pay attention to the energy value of the product, that is - the number of calories. Calories for weight loss play a significant role, because it is in this measure, measured how much energy we need for the needs of our body and for our daily activities. And in order to lose weight, you need to make the amount of calories consumed less than consumed.

Where to begin?

First, you need to calculate how many calories are needed for the life of our body: blood circulation, breathing, growth, digestion, etc. The basic exchange formula (TOE) will help us in this.

9,99 × weight + 6,25 × height - 4,92 × age - 161

This is the Muffin-Geor formula, approved by the American Nutritionists Association, which allows you to accurately calculate the number of calories needed at rest.

Next, we will calculate the necessary calories per day for our activity: work, sports, household chores, etc.

The formula of total energy consumption:

The number obtained in the previous calculation is multiplied by a factor depending on your lifestyle:

The number that you got is this, the number of calories that you can consume daily, without fear of gaining excess weight. However, we need the number of calories per day for weight loss. There are two ways to derive it:

  1. Take 200-500 kcal from the total energy consumption (WEM).
  2. Reduce the calorie KRE by 15-20%.

At the same time, dieticians strongly recommend not to reduce the number of kilocalories below the result of the general exchange formula (TOE). This will help slow down metabolism and destroy muscle tissue.

Is there a difference between calories and kcal?

Calories are used in both physics and dietetics. 1 calorie in dietology - this is 1 kg of calories, that is - a kilocalorie, which means the amount of energy needed to heat 1 kg of water by 1 ° C. That is, in the diet of calories and kilocalories - it's the same thing! 1 Calories = 1 kcal.

"Useful" sources of calories

In order to lose weight, it is not enough to reduce the amount of consumed kcal, it is necessary to find the right foods that will not contribute to the deposition of fatty masses.


For breakfast, choose slow carbohydrates:

Porridge should be boiled on the water, and after the preparation you can add low-fat cream. You can eat extra fruit or add dried fruit to the porridge. In this case, keep in mind that the calories in dried fruits are higher than in fruit analogs ( prunes - plums, raisins - grapes, dried apricots, apricot, etc.), as fruits are filled with water, and in dried fruits it is not.


low-fat meat;

When cooking at home, do not be lazy to count the calories of ready meals. Get a balance, a calculator and a notebook, in which you will record the results of your calculations.


The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime, otherwise, everything not digested will be deposited on your hips and abdomen in the form of subcutaneous fat.

We hope you realized how much the calories and weight are interrelated, and also that both the first and the second can be easily learned to control. The result will not keep you waiting - after the first day of a balanced diet you will feel purer, lighter and healthier.