Fried potatoes - calorie content

Fried potatoes, the calorie content of which is not very compatible with diets, remains one of the most favorite dishes of many people. Those who are not able to give up mouth-watering slices, it is worth knowing how to properly eat fried potatoes, so that the harm to the figure was minimal.

Is it fried potatoes?

Like many of the most delicious dishes, fried potatoes are certainly harmful. Roasting to a crisp crust destroys almost all useful vitamins and trace elements, potato slices are saturated with oil, which at times increases the calorie content of the prepared dish. For comparison, 192 kcal contains homemade fried potatoes, and the oil soaked in French fries grows to 400 calories.

With different cooking recipes, the energy value of fried potatoes is changing. The highest in fried potatoes with eggs and on fat is 308 and 250 kcal. Caloric content of fried potatoes with mushrooms and cabbage below - from 125 to 150 kcal.

How many carbohydrates in fried potatoes?

The content of carbohydrates in 100 g of fried potatoes is 24 g - this is a high figure. The glycemic index of this dish is 95, which for diabetics means a ban on eating fried potatoes. For those who are on a diet, this amount of carbohydrates is especially dangerous in combination with fats, and they are at least 9.5 grams in fried potatoes, and if you do not regret butter when cooking, then much more, as the potatoes are literally soaked.

Dishes that contain both fats and carbohydrates at the same time are very harmful to the figure. carbohydrates turn into glycogen and are stored in the liver for everyday energy costs of the body, and fats - with a minimum (5%) loss in volume are deposited in fat cells. By the way, excess glycogen can also become fat, but this will require much greater energy costs.

Fried potatoes and slimming

Lose weight on fried potatoes are unlikely to occur to anyone. However, a complete rejection of your favorite dishes often leads to a breakdown in the diet and a set of so hard lost pounds. That's why nutritionists are advised sometimes to allow themselves indulgences. Sometimes it is once every two weeks. If a person has been following a diet all week, on Sunday he can eat a portion of fried potatoes, accompanied by a large amount of green salad, cucumber and tomato. During the next week, prohibited products should also be deleted. If you allow yourself to deviate from the diet in this mode, they will not harm the figure, but psychologically the restriction of the diet regime will be easier.

Boiled potatoes in a uniform, unlike fried, it is quite possible to include in a diet of losing weight. This vegetable is very useful - it contains vitamin C, amino acids, including irreplaceable, and also mineral components - especially in potato phosphorus and potassium.

To potatoes do not harm the process of losing weight, it can not be eaten with meat, fish and dairy products. It is best to combine boiled potatoes with herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage (especially sauerkraut), salted mushrooms.

Included boiled potatoes and in some diets. For example, the diet of the first day of diet Larissa Valley consists of 5 boiled potatoes and 500 ml of kefir. There is also an independent potato diet: