Chakras - Disclosure

Not all people are aware that they represent a whole treasury of eternity, consisting of chakras. And their disclosure affects the life of a person, his health and understanding of the world around him.

Chakras work like energies on sound levels, and their opening makes up a balance of sound and energy. Opening the energy, you automatically open and sound. After this comes the complete harmony of the chakras.

Human chakras are closely related to his internal organs, which means that their disclosure helps to cure long-suffering diseases.

Let us consider in more detail what exactly each chakra is responsible for.

  1. For the state of physical health meet the chakras of Manipur , Svadhistan.
  2. The space of the physical body is answered by the chakras of Sahasrara, Ajna and Muladhara, Vishudha.
  3. During sleep, a person uses the chakras Anahata, Ajna and Vishudha.
  4. For all human organs, the chakras of Anahata and Manipur, Svadhistana are responsible.

Disclosure of chakras

Opening chakras creates a flow of energy between the two chakras, and exercises help strengthen the body, raising the spiritual and moral and ethical level of the individual. Disclosure of chakras reveals psychic abilities.

It is worth noting that this is a complex process, which you should not regret for several months.

Chakras can be revealed through static meditation. It is an exercise capable of provoking a state in which an individual can easily concentrate on whatever he wants, or vice versa, he may not think about what he can do now.

Mantras for the disclosure of chakras

Pronunciation or parallel listening facilitates the opening of chakras.

There are the following mantras:

Mantra "OM" (corresponds to the Sahasrara chakra).
  1. LAM (Muladhare).
  2. "RAM" (Manipur).
  3. "HAM" (Vishuddhe.
  4. "YOU" (Swadhisthane).
  5. "YAM" (Anahata).
  6. "AUM" (Ajna).
Breathing exercises that promote the opening of some chakras:

The Chakra of Svadhistan, its revelation

This chakra is responsible for sexuality, creativity, sociability. This is the center of motherhood. The method of its disclosure is as follows: holding your breath, direct the energy to Ide after inspiration. Transfer energy to the Muladharach chakra, strike it using the "Lam" mantra. Quickly, through the central channel of Sushumna, transfer prana to Svadhistana. Hold your breath, chant the "You" mantra. Return prana to Muladharac, repeating "Lam".

Disclosure of the Muladhara Chakra

For its disclosure, you can use a yoga breathing exercise called "Sukh purvak". Sit in a comfortable position for breathing exercises, straightening the spine. The ideal option is the lotus position . For the fullest energy message, try to imagine that on inspiration energy rises from the center of the Earth, and, holding its breath, it reaches the parietal zone (the Sahasrara chakra), it goes to Cosmos. Imagine the opposite on the breath. Imagine that pure energy is pouring from the Cosmos on you. It passes through the crown, falling to the Earth.

So, the disclosure of the chakras is a complex procedure. To achieve your goal you must be patient. But the goal is worth the effort.