Tattoo Moon - the meaning

Since ancient times, people have attached special importance to the Moon, since it is a satellite of our planet. She was endowed with magical powers and treated as a deity, as she exerted her influence on the Earth. Since ancient times, the Moon was built temples, she was created various cults. Thus, people tried to appease her, because even then it was noticed that the Moon is capable in one direction or another to influence the productivity, behavior of people and animals. She was worshiped in Greece, Rome, China . For many peoples, the moon was considered the patroness of predatory animals, leading a nocturnal lifestyle.

Despite the fact that the tattoo of the moon is associated with twilight and a dark life, it does not bear a negative connotation. Since ancient times people have asked for mercy and protection, health and beauty from the Moon. This nocturnal celestial body was a deity, a predictor and an assistant, able to help find the right path for those who lost their way in the night. Today, the Moon is also in high esteem, especially among those who put her image on her body.

Meanings of a tattoo for women

The moon has several basic symbols. It can advantageously emphasize the mystery of its owner and her desire for a harmonious life. This night luminary is a symbol of tranquility. There is also the astrological significance of the tattoo of the Moon, which is very important for girls. This image on the body embodies the warmth and affection that the mother gives her child, light and care. This symbol of tenderness, emphasizing femininity and tenderness. Also, the tattoo of the Moon characterizes the volatility of life, its variability. Tattoos with the image of the moon often choose romantic natures.

Tatu Luna means that her owner likes a nocturnal lifestyle, is prone to some kind of mystery. This figure is associated with magic, otherworldly forces, mysticism and insanity. Such values ​​have the Moon hidden behind the clouds.

The possessor of such a tattoo is attributed power, because the moon is a night luminary, capable of eclipsing even the Sun.