Kelly Osborn refuses treatment to not gain weight

Getting rid of the extra pounds, Kelly Osbourne panically fears their return. For the sake of slender forms, she is ready even to risk her health. The 31-year-old daughter of a famous musician refuses to take medicine for the treatment of thyroid disease.

The Transformation of Kelly

Osborn took ten years and the iron willpower, so that from a completely insecure girl will turn into a spectacular woman. Formless clothes, which used to go to the complex beauty, long forgotten, now she can afford to wear tight clothes that emphasize a sharp figure.

Weight loss

Kelly has long reconsidered the principles of her diet, giving preference to food useful for the body, and having participated in the whole well-known project "Dancing with the Stars", she became an inveterate sportswoman. Certainly, these changes in the way of life have positively affected its appearance.

Little secret

However, as it turned out, everything is not so simple! Over the past year, Osborne has lost weight, and this is not the result of grueling training. Doctors diagnosed her with hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease), one of the symptoms of which is a rapid weight loss - a person normally eats, but it melts before your eyes.

Physicians persuade a young woman to drink hormones that can slow down the metabolism, which will cause weight gain, Kelly told reporters.

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Medical prognosis

Experts insist on taking medications and believe that controlling their diet and doing fitness, Ozzy Osborn's daughter will keep slim. If she continues to experience the body for strength, then she risks becoming childless.