Hair on Trends

Hair extension on the truss is today a more gentle method in comparison with cold or hot capsule build-up. It allows you to still simulate the length, create luxurious hairstyles for a special occasion or just on the mood, only now your hair will be exposed to medium or even minimal stress. It all depends on the type of hair on the tracks that you choose.

There are two types of tresses:

  1. Tresses on barrettes.
  2. Tresses on the tapes.

Hairpins on hairpins are strands of natural or artificial hair that are fixed in different places of the occipital part of the head. Typically, a bundle of strands is supplied with an instruction with a standard mounting scheme. To pin the tracks, you need to collect your hair in a bundle, leaving the free strands free. Then lightly brush them (strands) at the roots, in the place of attachment of the pins. For additional fixation after "build-up" you can spray on top with varnish.

Advantages of models on barrettes

Hairpins are good because with a certain skill and practice, you can easily attach and remove them yourself. Such tracks from natural hair can be indistinguishable from their own. They are practically not contaminated, because they do not wear constantly. You can wash them as much as 15-20 times.

If you did not manage to pick up hair matching in color, then you can use a shade of shampoo.

Artificial hair on the tracks, although they cost significantly less, can look unnatural due to unnatural shine. They are more demanding and specific in care, they need to be painted only with special paints and so on.

Belt Trends

Represent the hair bands, which are located just in the nape of the neck. The master must attach these tracks. The scheme is as follows:

Advantages of belt execution

It is a more durable construction. Correction is made as the hair grows, when the pigtail is blurred and the track is kept weakly. Allows you to achieve more volume (at the request of the client) due to the arrangement of several ribbons one above the other.

Short hair is better to pick up small and light (mini and micro-tape build-up). Their size is approximately 25x3 mm and 10x4 mm. Such tapes are thin and inconspicuous, they will not load and pull hair at the roots.