The husband went to the young mistress - what to do?

Here comes the moment when the husband with the words: "I have another woman" slammed the door. In this case, many women have a question: "What to do next?". In principle, the action plan for the future can develop according to two scenarios: to start a new independent life or to return the spouse to the family.

What should I do if my husband leaves for a young mistress?

If you do not want to put a stop and have the strength to forgive your spouse, then you need to move on to active action and return it to the family . There are several effective tips that will help fix the situation:

  1. The first thing you need to do is go to the mirror and look at your appearance. The challenge is to become a better rival. Maybe you need to enroll in the gym, change your hair and update your wardrobe.
  2. If the husband has gone to his mistress and does not return, it is worth proving that without him life has become much better. It's time to realize dreams and do things that before did not have enough time.
  3. At meetings with the husband or with the general friends it is necessary to behave as much as possible naturally and to communicate on kind notes. He should not think that they hate him and want to kill him.
  4. Try to become his friend. Give advice, listen to problems and help in difficult situations. As a result, he will understand that he made a serious mistake and will want to return.

It is believed that a young mistress - it's just a temporary hobby, and sooner or later the husband himself wants to return to a cozy house and a loving family.

How to live on if the husband left for another?

Psychologists say that to realize the situation and return to a normal psychological state, it takes about eight days. Tips on how to forget your husband who went to another:

  1. To begin with, you should remove everything that at least somehow reminds you of your ex-wife.
  2. Do not talk about the former with other people and, even more so, insult him, and in some way blame him. The best solution is to wish him happiness and completely withdraw.
  3. It is necessary to throw out all the emotions: sob, beat the dishes, in general, do whatever you want. After that, only emptiness remains in the soul, and this is the ideal basis for building a new life.