Periostitis - treatment

Inflammation of the periosteum, or periostitis of the jaw, is one of the most frequent complications of untreated periodontitis or caries. This infection manifests itself with swelling of the gums and strong pain sensations. Treatment of periostitis is necessary immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms, otherwise the disease will cover the inner layer of the periosteum.

Traditional treatment of periostitis of the jaw

Treatment of periostitis of the jaw always involves several procedures. First of all, you need to cut the gum in the area of ​​a sick tooth. This will get out of the pus. It is carried out with obligatory anesthesia. In the cut, the dentist always leaves drainage to ensure a good outflow of pus. Within 2-3 days drainage can not be removed. At this time, you need to take antibiotics. In addition, treatment of periostitis should include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and daily rinsing of the mouth. If the tooth was strongly affected by the infection, it is required to remove it and only then it is possible to open the abscess and perform the necessary therapeutic procedures.

With timely and qualified treatment, even acute purulent periostitis will recede after only 3-4 days. But those who postpone the visit to the doctor may develop complications that pose a real threat to the patient's life. It can be:

It is strictly forbidden to do any warming up lotions or compresses during the treatment of inflammation of the periosteum. This only helps the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the area of ​​the abscess. You should also know that after the abscess has been opened, you can not take acetylsalicylic acid, since this medicine dilutes the blood, and this can aggravate the bleeding.

Treatment of periostitis with folk remedies

Treatment of periostitis can be done with folk remedies. For example, to remove pain and disinfect the oral cavity will help the decoction of sage , an aniline and a hump man. To make it, 2 tbsp. mixture of herbs you need to pour 1.5 glasses of hot water and drain everything. Rinse the inflamed place should be up to ten times a day.

Treatment of periostitis at home will be effective if you do antibacterial lotions. They can be made from ordinary gauze and medicinal broth. For example, a decoction of sage and herbs of a tangent (20 g of collection should be poured in 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes).