Apple vinegar for the face

The presence of a huge number of useful properties allowed the use of apple cider vinegar, not only for internal healing, but also to maintain the beauty of the skin. Due to the presence of a huge amount of useful substances, apple vinegar for the face is used to cleanse, rejuvenate the skin and disinfect it.

Properties of apple cider vinegar

The use of vinegar for the face became possible due to the following useful properties:

Application of apple cider vinegar

In the manufacture of skin care products, only natural vinegar should be used. You can use self-prepared vinegar or buy ready-made at any store.

Many ask the question, but can you rub your face with vinegar? Can. It is used to improve the condition of normal and oily skin. When preparing preparations for flabby and fading skin with the use of vinegar it is important to add fatty components. The drug is contraindicated only for sensitive and very thin skin, which is prone to inflammation and irritation.

Tonic for apple cider vinegar

For a systematic care of oily skin is ideal tonic, made on the basis of vinegar. Its application tones up the skin, relieves it of shine, gives it a matte finish.

Prepare and apply it this way:

  1. Dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 5.
  2. Lubricate the product with the skin once a day.

Wiping your face with ice from apple cider vinegar

This procedure helps to rejuvenate and give elasticity to mature skin:

  1. Prepares a decoction of chamomile flowers, lavender herbs and string (each component on a tablespoon).
  2. To him pour a small amount of vinegar.
  3. The resulting composition is filled into molds.
  4. The face needs to be wiped every morning.

Vinegar from bruises on the face

To combat bruises recommend applying cold compresses:

  1. Marl is dipped in a container of ice water, in which the vinegar is diluted (1: 2).
  2. The tissue is squeezed and applied to a harassing place.
  3. Put a towel on top and wrap it in a warm cloth.
  4. Change the compress every time the towel warms up.

Steam baths

And here's how you can use apple cider vinegar as a steam bath :

  1. Fill the container with water and put on a small fire. P
  2. After it boils, lightly cool and pour vinegar (one spoonful of vinegar per hundred grams of water).
  3. Bend over the pan and throw a towel over your head.
  4. Hold the face over the steam for ten minutes.

Acne Lotion

To overcome small pryshchiki can such agent:

  1. Herbs of string and celandine, taken in equal parts, are poured with vinegar.
  2. Give to brew for fourteen days.
  3. The composition is diluted with ordinary water in a ratio of one to four.
  4. The received lotion is wiped face.

Small pimples , which are not squeezed out, after using this remedy go themselves.

Masks for face with vinegar

To get rid of fatty skin from shine it is possible, using such mask:

  1. Two spoons of flour from oats are mixed with two small spoons of natural honey and four tablespoons of vinegar.
  2. The composition is spread over the skin and washed off after twenty minutes.
  3. The next mask of apple cider vinegar moisturizes and gives elasticity to the dehydrated skin of the face:
  4. Egg yolks are ground with a spoonful of vinegar, the same volume of sour cream and a small spoon of warmed honey.
  5. All components are thoroughly mixed.
  6. The mask is spread over the skin and washed off after fifteen minutes.