Wrinkles on the forehead

Wrinkles on the forehead appear at different ages - some women used to have them, others later. An important role in the formation of wrinkles on the forehead is played by mimicry - with active facial expressions the probability of appearance of early wrinkles increases significantly. Nevertheless, regardless of age and facial expressions, each representative of the fair sex dreams that there will be no wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows. There are several ways to combat this natural phenomenon. The most common of these are exercises for training the muscles of the face, smoothing the cream and nourishing masks. In this article, we describe how to remove wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows at home.

Wrinkles on the forehead - what to do?

If the first mimic wrinkles on the forehead come to grips with the fight against them and provide the skin with the proper care, then it is possible to forget for many years what are the usual and deep wrinkles.

If the mimic wrinkles on the forehead turned into ordinary wrinkles, then the main task of a woman is to provide the best nutrition for the skin and to smooth out wrinkles as much as possible.

Exercises against wrinkles on the forehead

On our face is located quite a large number of different muscles. If you perform daily exercises that improve their tone, then in a short time you can get rid of the first signs of skin aging. Below are a few exercises to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead.

  1. Relax all the facial muscles, take a deep breath and exhale. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows as much as possible. Then gradually lower your eyebrows and eyelids. The exercise should be repeated 20 times, increasing the tempo and intensity.
  2. Lean your fingers to the middle of your eyebrows and start pulling your eyebrows up. At the same time, try to frown heavily and lower your eyebrows with the strength of the muscles of your forehead. Thus, training of different forehead muscle groups is carried out. This exercise allows you to get rid of vertical wrinkles on your forehead.
  3. Place your fingers near the corners of your eyes, and close your eyes. Carefully start pulling the corners of the eyes to the ears with your fingers. At the same time, with your forehead muscles, try to resist this. Closed eyes can be screwed up. This exercise can be used to combat deep wrinkles on the forehead.

Folk remedies for wrinkles on the forehead

With the help of traditional medicine, it is possible to provide the skin of the forehead with the necessary nutrition and moisturizing, which, in turn, prevents aging and slows down its processes. Our great-grandmothers and grandmothers used masks made from natural ingredients against wrinkles on their foreheads. Try these recipes:

  1. Mask from wrinkles on the forehead of cucumber and raw potatoes. Cucumber and potatoes must be grated, mixed, put on forehead for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water. After that, the skin should be wiped with lemon juice and greased with any natural oil.
  2. Mask from wrinkles on the forehead of cream and yolk. Yolk of one egg should be mixed with 3 tablespoons of fresh cream and add to them 1 teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face and washed off after 30 minutes. Repeat the mask 1-2 times a week.

Cosmetic products for wrinkles on the forehead

Those who do not want to make masks and creams from home ingredients, have the opportunity to purchase an effective remedy for wrinkles on the forehead in the pharmacy. To date, there are many different creams, lotions and masks, among which you can choose a remedy for every taste and purse. When choosing a cream for wrinkles on the forehead should be guided by the advice of a cosmetologist, the reputation of the manufacturer and, if possible, the responses of acquaintances.

Interesting to know! All wrinkles on the forehead have their significance. Astrologers and psychics claim that wrinkles on the forehead can be used to judge the character of a person, his hobbies and habits.