How to treat the flux before and after the trip to the doctor?

The question of how to treat the flux is for those who hesitate to visit the dentist, believing that the inflammation itself will pass. However, this approach to the problem is dangerous, since it can lead to serious consequences. Flux (its scientific name "periostitis") is accompanied by special symptoms. If you recognize them in time, you can facilitate treatment.

What is tooth floss?

Periostitis is an inflammation of the periosteum. In German, fluss is defined as "flow" or "flow". This is justified, because dental flux is characterized by the accumulation of infectious fluid in the periodontium. As a result, a seal is formed. Its formation is accompanied by painful sensations and puffiness. In 60% of cases, periostitis leads to tooth loss.

Flux can be of the following types:

Flux - Causes

Periostitis is provoked by various factors. The most common reasons are:

  1. Hygiene rules are not observed or poor quality oral care is provided. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms multiply intensively, which penetrate into the gum and provoke its destruction.
  2. To cause the development of pathology can angina, furunculosis and other ailments, accompanied by a cluster of pathogenic bacteria. Such microorganisms provoke inflammation of the periosteum.
  3. It is observed after scratches and gum injuries.
  4. There is a flux after tooth extraction is unsuccessful or his wrong treatment.
  5. Occurs with inflammation of the gingival pocket.

Flux - Symptoms

Recognize periostitis can be based on characteristic features for it. Here's what the flux looks like:

What is the danger of flux?

Periostitis is considered a very serious pathology. Not only is it itself difficult, it also causes dangerous complications. Consequences of the flux are as follows:

  1. Abscess is a condition in which pus is outside its capsule. Pain may temporarily subside and disappear. However, the inflammatory process continues.
  2. Phlegmon - purulent damage to cellulose. If the pathology has a superficial form, the subcutaneous layer is affected, while deep - the intermuscular tissue. With this ailment, the pain sensations are permanent. In addition, jaw mobility and speech abilities are impaired, breathing is difficult. There is an asymmetry of the face. The general condition of the patient worsens.

Does the flux itself?

When the first symptoms of periostitis appear, you should immediately contact your dentist. While the patient will find out whether the flux passes by itself, serious problems can begin. Waiting position here is not appropriate. Although during the abscess period, it seems that the ailment has receded, but in fact it is not. He grows into a more serious problem - the phlegmon.

Flux - what to do?

Treatment of periostitis involves the use of one of the following approaches:

Flux treatment medication provides for:

Here's how to cure the flux:

  1. Independently to open a fistula on a gum or gingiva as it will lead to distribution of an infection.
  2. Apply warming compresses, because the heat intensifies the inflammatory process. In addition, there is a high probability that complications will occur more quickly.
  3. Take alcohol or apply to the site of damage alcohol compresses.

How to remove the flux?

If drug therapy is ineffective, surgical intervention is recommended. The patient may experience experiences, whether the tooth is removed with the flux. In each specific case, the doctor makes a decision, considering the degree of gum disease, the condition of the patient and other factors. The same surgical intervention aimed at removing the flux is performed in several stages:

  1. The patient is given a local anesthetic.
  2. In the region of the flux on the gum a small incision is made.
  3. Pus is removed and drainage is established.
  4. The patient is referred to an X-ray to correctly prescribe a follow-up therapy.
  5. If the tooth is no longer salvaged, it is removed, the wound is cleaned and drainage is established. Assign antibiotics.
  6. With the advanced form of periostitis prescribed treatment with iontophoresis or laser.

After removing the flux, the first few days you can not take Aspirin and other blood thinners. These medications during this period are dangerous. They can provoke bleeding. If the patient does not feel relief after 12 hours after the incision on the gum, the doctor should be consulted immediately. It may be necessary to perform one more surgical intervention.

Flux - how to treat at home

It is impossible to get rid of periostitis independently. At the first signs of pathology, you need to seek professional help from a dentist. Only he knows how to treat the flux and can do it right. If you hesitate to visit a doctor, it will lead to serious health problems. However, for certain reasons, the patient may not be able to immediately consult a dentist. Then he will be helped by advice on how to cure the flux in the home. All these manipulations do not relieve periostitis, but only slightly ease the patient's condition.

Flux - how to remove a tumor at home?

Coping with swelling will help time-tested funds. If the tooth flux is disturbing, the swelling can be quickly removed with the help of such manipulations:

  1. Effects of cold. You can take an ice cube or a napkin soaked in a cool water and attach it to the cheek, where there is swelling. Keep such a compress you need a few minutes. The tumor will gradually begin to descend.
  2. Applying a flat cake from natural propolis. You need to take a small piece of this beekeeping product and warm it up in the palms of your hands. Propolis will become soft, like plasticine. Then a thin cake is made from it and applied to the inflammation of the gum. After a while, the puffiness will be less.
  3. Compress with Iodinol. The cotton disc is moistened with this drug and placed on the inflamed area.

What antibiotics should I take with tooth flushes?

Treatment with antibacterial drugs should be done under the supervision of a doctor. Writing out such solutions or tablets from the flux, the doctor will take into account the following factors:

Most often, these antibiotics are administered with a flux:

What to rinse your mouth with a flux?

Such procedures help to ease the patient's condition. However, rinsings are not the main treatment, they are only used as an auxiliary therapy. If a flux is formed, treatment at home can be done with the help of such drugs:

  1. Rotokana - alcohol tincture from calendula, chamomile and yarrow. A glass of boiled water at room temperature is taken 1 teaspoon of the drug. Rinse every 2 hours.
  2. Chlorhexidine - means with wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. For rinsing, a 0.5% solution of the drug is used. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day.
  3. Malavita - a drug consisting of extracts of medicinal herbs, copper ions and silver. Add 5-6 drops of medication to a glass of water and rinse every hour.
  4. Furatsilina - means with antibacterial action. In a glass of boiling water, dissolve the drug tablet and cool the solution. You can rinse every hour.
  5. Betadina is a medicine that contains iodine. For 60 ml of water take 1 teaspoon of 1%. Rinse your mouth 3-4 times.

Folk remedies for flux

Home "drugs" help to ease the patient's condition, relieve pain and swelling. Such popular means can be used:

How to cure the flux with melissu infusion?


Preparation, use:

  1. Raw material is poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist 4-5 hours and filter.
  3. Rinse the mouth every half hour.

How to get rid of the flux with wax ointment?


Preparation, use:

  1. Egg boiled hard.
  2. Wax is melted in oil and mixed well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  3. Half of the boiled egg is ground and mixed with a waxy-oily mass.
  4. The mixture is kept in a water bath for about 10 minutes, transferred to a glass container and sent to the refrigerator.
  5. Before applying to the inflamed area, the ointment should be warmed to room temperature.

How to remove the flux of tincture of calendula?


Preparation, use:

  1. A tincture is added to a glass of boiled water cooled to room temperature.
  2. Rinse with a solution 6-8 times a day.

How to treat a herbal drug with a flux?


Preparation, use:

  1. Raw boiling water poured.
  2. Insist half an hour and filter.
  3. This solution rinses the oral cavity every half hour.