Periostitis of the lower jaw

Periostitis of the jaw or, as it is called, the flux is an infectious inflammatory process in the periosteum, accompanied by sharp pain and severe swelling of the gum. The disease often has an infectious, less often traumatic nature and usually appears as a complication in the untimely treatment of other dental diseases.

Types of periostitis of the jaw

Perioditises are divided into several parameters:

  1. In the course of the illness, it is acute and chronic. Acute periostitis in turn is divided into purulent and serous.
  2. The participation of microorganisms in the development of inflammation is purulent and aseptic.
  3. In terms of the degree of spreading - to localized (within the same tooth) and diffuse (capture the entire jaw).

In most cases, the disease develops as a result of untreated pulpitis or periodontitis, and as a result of trauma with infection during removal of the tooth. In some cases, periostitis may develop as a consequence of a jaw fracture or a soft tissue injury.

Acute purulent periostitis of the lower jaw

Acute purulent form of the disease is the most common. It is accompanied by a general malaise, often an increase in temperature, a painful swelling appears at the site of the inflammation, often swelling of the entire cheek, abscesses form on the gum, forming fistulous passages after opening. On the lower jaw, periostitis mainly develops in the area of ​​wisdom teeth and the first large molars. Less often - on the second large and small indigenous. In the field of anterior teeth, the disease occurs rarely.

Treatment of periostitis of the jaw

In the treatment of this disease, surgical and conservative methods are combined. Surgical intervention can consist in opening the abscess and evacuating the pus, opening the cavity of the tooth with removal of the nerve, drug and mechanical treatment of the canal or in the removal of the tooth followed by treatment of the wound.

In the serous form of the disease, it is usually possible to confine oneself to the treatment of pulpitis and conservative measures of influence. With a purulent form, surgical intervention and dissection of the abscess is mandatory.

From medicines with a purulent periostitis of the jaw, antibiotics and rinses are usually prescribed antiseptic solutions:

After the inflammation subsides (3-4 days), additional physical therapy is possible: