Chemical face peeling - all the secrets of skin renewal

If the skin is damaged, its cells begin to actively recover and renew. On this property of the dermis and epidermis any professional peeling is based. Controlled burning of the upper layers of the skin stimulates the processes of its regeneration, the production of elastin and collagen.

Chemical peeling - types

There are 3 types of cosmetic manipulation presented. They differ in the degree of damage to the skin:

  1. Deep. It is recommended to perform such a chemical peeling for the face in the salon (exclusively), it is only an experienced specialist who can correctly calculate the concentration of the drug for safe application.
  2. Median. Less traumatic, but also effective version of the procedure. If you have certain skills, you are allowed to use it yourself.
  3. Surface. Safe peeling, which does not require special skills and specialized knowledge. These manipulations are allowed to be carried out at home, if there are quality cosmetics.

Deep chemical peeling

The type of procedure described is intended to combat serious defects in mature or fading skin. This chemical peeling penetrates the papillary layer of the dermis, located at a distance of 0.6 mm from the surface of the epidermis. The skin during the session is damaged severely, until the appearance of "bloody dew", so the manipulation is performed with qualitative anesthesia.

Deep chemical face peeling is done on the basis of preparations of phenol (benzene hydroxide) and trichloroacetic acid of high concentration (up to 50%). Complete healing and regeneration of the dermis and epidermis occurs 1-2 months after the procedure. Repeat therapy is allowed only after a year, it is too aggressive for frequent use.

Median chemical peeling

This type of skin treatment assumes almost complete removal of its upper layers. The depth of exposure to the drugs used is up to 0.45 mm, where the reticular section of the dermis begins. It is advisable to carry out a medial chemical peeling in the salon, but if you have the appropriate qualifications, you can also carry it at home. Manipulation is less traumatic than deep burning of the skin, so recovery is faster. Complete epithelialization of damaged layers takes approximately 7-10 days. Preparations for the middle procedure:

Superficial chemical peeling

The softest and safest form of exfoliating and improving the appearance of the face. The depth of penetration of the cosmetic means is limited to 0.06 mm. Such chemical peeling of the skin damages only the epidermal layer, so it can be performed at home even by long courses. Restoration of the burnt epithelium lasts only 3-5 days, during this time the cells are completely renewed.

To carry out surface manipulation, many drugs are used, the most popular is glycol face peeling. It is based on the simplest hydroxy acid with individually selected concentration (from 10 to 70%). This substance is contained in natural raw materials:

Similarly, almond chemical peeling is in demand. It is more effective because it contains a fatty-aromatic hydroxy acid. The following preparations are also used for superficial exfoliation:

Chemical peeling - indications and contraindications

With the procedure described, you can cope with most skin problems. Professional and home chemical peeling is prescribed for such defects:

Contraindications to peeling:

When is it better to do a chemical face peeling?

This cosmetic manipulation literally burns one or more layers of skin, so its surface becomes very vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. The optimal period when it is better to do chemical peeling is the time from the end of September to the middle of April. At the indicated times, the smallest radiation activity of the Sun is observed.

If you perform chemical peeling face in the spring and summer, the risk of hyperpigmentation of the skin and the formation of firm dark spots increases. Similarly, it is dangerous to take a course of autumn-winter treatment on the eve of an upcoming trip to exotic hot countries or to resorts. In such situations, beauticians recommend postponing therapy until after graduation.

How often can I do a chemical face peeling?

The basic skin renewal course involves 4-6 manipulations performed once a week or less. Deep chemical peeling with acids is carried out one- or two-fold with a break in 1-6 months, this depends on the individual degree of sensitivity and the speed of the recovery period. It is undesirable to carry out procedures more often than once a year, repeated courses are important to coordinate with a beautician and dermatologist.

Chemical peeling for the face at home

Deciding on an independent skin renewal, it is important to immediately abandon the use of artisanal prescription medications based on Aspirin tablets, pharmacy powder of salicylic acid, calcium chloride and other medications. Chemical peeling for the face in home circumstances should be carried out with professional cosmetics, which is easy to buy in specialized stores or salons. It accurately calculates the concentration of the active ingredients for a safe and effective procedure.

Means for chemical face peeling

At home, only superficial exfoliation is allowed, and the median renewal of the skin is less likely. Qualitative preparations for chemical peeling are produced by the following brands:

To chemical peeling of the face was performed correctly, additional cosmetic means will be needed additionally. Professional products are often sold in the form of kits that include such drugs:

How to make a chemical peeling at home?

Superficial exfoliation and skin renewal is carried out only after preliminary preparation. To do chemical peeling, you must first thoroughly cleanse your face of cosmetics, dirt and excess fat. You can use your own means for washing or apply the product from the purchased kit. Dry and clean skin should be treated with an antiseptic. This is necessary to prevent infection and the formation of inflammation.

When the preparatory stage is finished, an acidic agent is applied accurately and evenly. Chemical home face peeling is important to carry out strictly according to the instructions, and keep the drug specified amount of time. If you deviate from the manufacturer's recommendations, you may burn your skin with the consequences - redness, dryness, cracking and other side effects.

Care after chemical face peeling

At the end of the manipulation, the acid is washed off, and the treated areas are lubricated with a soothing cream or gel. After chemical peeling at home, care should be taken to regenerate cells and protect the epidermis. In the next 7-15 days, depending on the intensity and depth of exposure, you should regularly nourish and moisturize the skin. Pharmaceutical products (Panthenol, Bepanten) or preparations from a set will approach. For 1-2 weeks, the face after chemical peeling is vulnerable to solar radiation, so you will need to use a cream with SPF at least 15 units, each time going out.