How to get rid of black dots on the nose?

Black dots (comedones) are clogged with fatty secret, dead cells of the epidermis and dust particles of the sebaceous glands. Since the production of sebum is a constant physiological process, it is unfortunately impossible to remove black dots forever, but regular facial cleansing maintains a good skin condition and does not allow dirt to accumulate in the pores. Let's listen to the advice of cosmetologists, how to get rid of the black points on the nose.

How to clean the nose of black dots?

Recommendations, how to remove black dots on the nose, a lot. A significant part of the methods of cleansing skin pores are worked out by folk medicine. Here are the most effective methods for removing comedones by domestic means:

  1. Squeeze the juice of 1/8 of the lemon in half with water and periodically lubricate the solution with problem areas.
  2. Two spoons of oat flakes brew with warm water to make a thin slurry. Apply the formulation for 20 minutes, then rinse.
  3. Half a teaspoon of turmeric is combined with a teaspoon of coriander juice. To achieve this result, apply a mixture of facial skin daily.
  4. Eight tablespoons of grated cucumber pour 60 ml of vodka, the resulting solution to wipe every morning and evening face.
  5. A mask of protein from a chicken egg and a teaspoon of sugar is superimposed on the face. As the composition dries, the next layer is applied. To enhance the effect of stretching the contents of the pores, you need to periodically pat on the face with your fingertips.
  6. Possessing softening and exfoliating qualities of soda is considered an indispensable remedy for black dots on the nose. From baking soda, you can prepare a scrub by mixing it with a fine salt. Applying to the moistened cotton pad composition, periodically wipe them nose and other problem areas on the face and back.

Cosmetic means for removing black dots

Strips from black dots at the bow

Among the popular remedies for comedones are special strips (patch), which you can buy at any pharmacy or cosmetic department. This product is produced by many famous companies, for example, NIVEA, LOREAL.

The patch is a ribbon made of cloth, on one side of which a sticky cleaning compound is applied. The strip is symmetrically placed on the nose, held for 15 minutes, after which it is sharply torn off. At the same time, the contaminants that were in the pores remain on the strip. The composition usually also contains substances narrowing the pores , so the effect of using the strips persists for several weeks.

Masks from black dots on the nose

Pharmacy masks fit tightly to the skin of the face, while stretching the contents of the pores. The composition of masks is different: most often they contain blue clay (and other varieties of clay), gelatin.

Gels and creams from black dots

A noticeable result when removing comedones can be achieved by applying creams and gels containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These substances penetrate deep into the pores, neutralize bacteria and accelerate the process of skin renewal.

Hardware procedures for removing black dots

Choosing a way to quickly remove black dots on the nose, remember about the hardware cleaning of the face. Such a service is rendered in cosmetology centers. The device, which the specialist uses, is equipped with a miniature rotating nozzle-brush. Micro-vibrations contribute to the early cleansing of pores, and the effect after cleaning remains for a long time.

Attention! Whichever method of purification you choose, before the procedure it is necessary to thoroughly wash your face and steam the skin with a hot bath of water or decoction of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage). Open pores are easier to clean. A good result is given by cleaning masks made after a sauna or a sauna.