Pumpkin honey - medicinal properties and contraindications

Pumpkin honey is one of the rarest varieties. And at the same time one of the most useful. To distinguish this product from others is not so difficult: it has a rich yellow - "pumpkin" - a shade, and to taste resembles the pulp of melon, almost without the characteristic honey for honey grits. However, not many know what are the medicinal properties and contraindications of pumpkin honey. Because he rarely happens on our table.

Harm and benefit of pumpkin honey

There are a lot of healing properties for pumpkin honey. Like other varieties, it can be used as a general restorative drug that helps fight against influenza and ARVI. In addition, it is able to stimulate the metabolism , removing toxins and harmful substances from the body, accumulated, for example, as a result of poisoning. And also pumpkin honey:

However, despite all the above mentioned medicinal properties, pumpkin honey has contraindications. This is a very high-calorie product, so it can cause obesity, a significant increase in blood sugar, caries. In addition, it can be harmful to people prone to allergies - can cause the appearance of urticaria and even swelling of Quincke. It should also be used carefully for those who suffer from kidney and gallbladder diseases due to a pronounced diuretic and choleretic effect.

How to use pumpkin honey?

In addition to knowing what the pumpkin honey is useful, it will be superfluous to have an idea of ​​how it should be eaten. You can just eat a teaspoon of sweet foods throughout the day, washed down with either green tea or herbal decoction. However, it is better to combine it with cottage cheese in the proportion of 10/1 and from time to time pamper yourself with such a dessert.

If there is no way to get natural pumpkin honey, then you can prepare a substitute. To do this, you need to take a small pumpkin, remove the top with a knife, and take out the seeds with a spoon. Inside, fill in any honey that is in the house, remove the fruit in a cool place. In a day, two pumpkin honey will be ready. Of course, in terms of usefulness, it will be inferior to the real product of beekeeping, but it will also contain enough vitamins and trace elements that are in the original components.