What is useful for figs?

Figs are known to man since ancient times. Even the ancient Arabians appreciated the pleasant taste and useful properties of these amazing fruits. In many cultures, the special role of this plant is noted. In Egypt, figs were considered the sacred tree of the gods. And in the Greek treatises fig (otherwise a wine berry, fig tree) is often called the gifts of the sun. And this is not surprising, because in figs contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. Let's figure out how and to whom figs are useful and whether there are people who should limit the consumption of this delicacy.

Benefits and Harms of Figs

Do you need to immediately focus on solving an important issue or memorize a large amount of information? To quickly cope with this task, it is enough to eat a few fig fruits. It stimulates brain activity and invigorates no worse than chocolate. However, less calories and more useful, because the figs contain a large amount of fatty acids and fructose, so necessary for our brain.

Excellent figs will help people who survived the surgery or recovering from a serious illness. In Ancient Egypt, these fruits were called "health-giving" for good reason. A unique set of vitamins and minerals, contained in figs, fully justifies this name. Regular use of these fruits in food stimulates the immune system, promotes blood formation and general sanitation.

However, despite all the useful properties of figs, there are contraindications, which we will talk about a little later.

Figs for weight loss

Many diets for weight loss include figs. First, the sweet taste and abundance of nutrients of these fruits contribute to rapid saturation. Secondly, any diet for the body - stress . At this time it is especially important to get a balanced set of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. All this in large numbers is in the figs. And figs are rich in fiber, necessary for cleansing the body and the proper functioning of the intestines.

About the benefits of figs for the female body

The fig juice helps to speed up the metabolism, relieves puffiness and improves the complexion. A high calcium content, which is easily absorbed by the body, makes these fruits especially useful for older women suffering from increased brittleness of bones.

Also, figs are a preventative against breast cancer. According to scientists, daily consumption of figs reduces the risk of disease by 40%.

It is very useful to eat figs for pregnant women. It speeds up the removal of toxins from the body, has an easy laxative and diuretic effect. The Greeks believed that if during pregnancy and feeding a woman eats a lot of figs, the child will be incredibly beautiful. This is understandable: health and beauty are eternal companions.

As you can see, the useful properties of figs for women are difficult to overestimate.

Who figs is contraindicated?

However, not always figs are so useful. Figs should not be consumed by people suffering from diabetes, as well as those who have kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

Contraindications to figs apply to young children: an abundance of fiber can cause indigestion and pain.


Figs can be considered to be a natural storehouse of useful substances. In the composition of figs, a lot of easily digestible potassium, calcium and iron . Fatty and organic acids, B vitamins and fructose - this is not a complete list of what gives each body of figs to our body. Eat on health!