They pulled out a tooth - the gum hurts, what should I do?

What to do if you have a tooth pulled out and your gum hurts? Usually we prefer to take an anesthetic and forget about the problem. But sometimes on the site of the removed tooth inflammation begins, and you will not get rid of one analgesic. The solution is to start antimicrobial therapy.

How much will the gum ache when the tooth is pulled out?

To begin with, the consequences of an operation to remove a tooth directly depend on the complexity of surgical manipulations. After the usual operation, the gum heals 3-5 days, the same amount you will experience pain. The faster the blood clot forms, the better it will be to heal. It is another matter if additional manipulations were required to tear out the tooth. Here are the most common complications of the procedure for tooth extraction, in which the recovery is delayed:

All these reasons and each of them can prolong the healing process for 5-7 days. Also, if the blood clot did not form, or was accidentally removed, the pain may be disturbed for up to 10 days. It is within the norm. Therefore, if you have a tooth pulled out and your gum hurts, you do not need to worry in the first 5 days. Often the removal of the eighth molar tooth is fraught with certain difficulties. Heals a nest from a wisdom tooth also longer than from any other. If you have pulled out a wisdom tooth and gums gum, what to do depends on additional factors. Here are the symptoms that will be the occasion to seek help from a doctor:

What can you do when you have torn the tooth and gum for a long time?

If these symptoms are not present, you can alleviate the condition yourself. If you have pulled out a wisdom tooth and then the gum hurts, on the first day you can take 1-2 Ketanov tablets. In no case can not rinse your mouth, so you will wash off the protective blood clot formed in the hole from the tooth, the bleeding will intensify and the healing will take longer. If the gum hurts very much, and you are afraid that suppuration will begin, hold in your mouth a small amount of decoction of chamomile, or Chlorhexidine.

If after a tooth has been pulled out, the gum hurts and the cheek is swollen, it is necessary to take a tablet of paracetamol and use one of the methods of disinfection. You can dial into the mouth a mute aqueous solution of salt, warmed to body temperature, or dilute the tincture of calendula in the proportion of 30 drops per half a glass of water. The main thing - the temperature of the liquid should not be large, this will speed up the process of suppuration. When the tooth is pulled out and the gum hurts better than rinsing - use an antiseptic spray. In pharmacies for today a lot of options are presented, in the extreme case, even Yox-spray. Most often, the cheek swells for the following reasons:

If the swelling of the cheeks does not subside for 3 days, a repeat visit to the dentist is necessary.