Shish kebab in pomegranate juice

Shish kebab is a favorite dish. There are many recipes for its preparation. We will tell you how to cook shish kebab in pomegranate juice.

Recipe for shish kebab from pork on pomegranate juice



Cut the meat into portions, and the onion rings. Put everything in a pan in layers. Now proceed to prepare marinade for shish kebab with pomegranate juice. Mix olive oil with juice, taste add salt, pepper and any spices to taste. Fill the meat with onion marinade and gently mix. We marinade the shish kebab for about 6 hours, periodically mixing it. Thanks to pomegranate juice, the meat will become soft, and olive oil will make it juicy. Finished shish kebab from pork fry over hot coals on skewers until ready, periodically turning them over.

Shish kebab marinated in pomegranate juice



Meat cut into pieces of the desired size, add salt and spices. Lime cut into slices, add to the meat and mix well. Onions and cilantro are ground in a blender and added to the meat, thoroughly mix everything. Add 400 ml of pomegranate juice and mix again. We pour the remaining juice, vegetable oil, mix and leave the meat to marinate for 4 hours minimum, and in general, the longer it will stand, the shish kebab will be softer.

Chicken shish kebab in pomegranate juice



Chicken fillet cut into small pieces, and onions - rings. Garlic squeezed through the press. In the enameled pot we put meat, onions, add pomegranate juice, garlic, ginger, sunflower oil and pepper. Stir and leave for 3 hours. Then add salt, mix again. String the chicken skewers on the skewers or spread on the grill and fry over hot coals.