Patissons for the winter

Season of the patissons means a series of fine dishes on the table. Patissons are suitable for baking, cooking, or frying, and the remains of the vegetable can be frozen, or harvested for the winter. We decided to devote this article to the preparations from the patissons and zucchini.

Patisson's recipe for the winter


For marinade:


We take a shredder for vegetables and with it we cut the patissons across into thin slices. The thicker the pieces are, the more they will crunch after pickling.

Sliced ​​the same size and onions. Mix the slices of patissoni and onions with a tablespoon of salt and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours or, if possible, overnight. Excess liquid is drained, and the vegetables are dipped with a paper towel.

At the bottom of a small jar, somewhere in the range of 150-200 ml, put a little dill, a grain of mustard, black pepper, chopped garlic and chili. You can also experiment and add coriander, ziru , or fennel seeds to the cans.

Now go to the marinade preparation. In a small saucepan, bring to a boil two kinds of vinegar and sugar, cook until the sugar crystals dissolve. We pour marinade contents of cans and cork them. If it is necessary to preserve conservation for the whole winter, those banks should be pre-sterilized beforehand.

Patissons marinated for the winter


For marinade:


We cut the patissons in small slices, put them in jars and sprinkle with salt. We give vegetables to stand for 3 hours in the refrigerator, drain excess fluids, and rinse off the patissons in cold water and wipe them with a paper towel.

Ingredients for the marinade are boiled until the crystals of sugar and salt dissolve. Banks and lids for preservation are sterilized and put in them seeds of coriander, chili, black pepper, zest, chopped garlic and ginger. From above we place pieces of patissons and fill everything with a hot marinade. we cover the jars with lids and put them on the water bath for 15 minutes, after which we roll up.