GGE in gynecology - what is it?

There are women among those who ignore routine gynecological examinations, referring to the reasons for personal nature. Sometimes they do not even suspect what risk they are putting themselves, their health, because it is known that any disease is easier to cure at the initial stage.

GGE in gynecology - what is it?

Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium is an overgrowth of the mucous layer inside the uterus. The main trouble with GGE is infertility. Sometimes the process of growth of the endometrium can develop into cancer, nevertheless, until this happens, even at an advanced stage the disease is successfully treatable.

Women of all ages can get sick, but especially those who are experiencing a perimenopausal period.

Diagnosis of HPE

Such processes arise on the basis of hormonal failure: in the body of a woman, there is a lack of the hormone of progesterone, with excess estrogens. Gynecologist can detect signs of GGE with the help of the following procedures:

A woman will not be able to subjectively determine the GPL of the uterus, but alarming bells for her can serve as:

  1. Painful menstruation.
  2. Pain in the pelvis during sex.
  3. Uterine bleeding (not monthly).

Treatment of HPE

In order to cure this disease, a gynecologist can apply the following methods:

Depending on the nature of the course of the disease, the doctor in the complex will assign one of the described methods, or stop at one thing.

For the prevention of GSE it is enough to visit a gynecologist for routine examinations and not to ignore the alarming symptoms, if any.