Candles with nystatin from thrush

Pathogens yeast-like fungi Candida, which multiply in the body only under certain conditions. Candidiasis affects the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. To combat these fungi for many decades, nystatin has been used, which women are used mainly in the form of candles.

Candles with nystatin from thrush are not the only product of pharmacology, in the form of which it is produced. Along with vaginal tablets , nystatin is available for sale in the form of ointments and oral tablets.

Polyene antibiotic is the main active ingredient in Nystatin. The mechanism of its action is such that it binds to the complex molecules of the sterols that make up the membrane. The result of this binding is a violation of the function of protecting the cell membrane, as a result of which it dies.

Candles Nystatin - application and instruction

This medication is prescribed by a doctor after examination. The preparation in the form of candles allows to work locally (locally) on the mucous of the genital organs and rectum. Before you enter a candle, you need to thoroughly wash it, and only then put it into the vagina. As a rule, the dosage of nystatin with thrush is 25,000 units, sometimes it is increased to 50000 units. The duration of the course of treatment is usually not less than two weeks. If a woman has a sexual partner, then he also needs to undergo a course of treatment.

Candles Nystatin - side effects and contraindications

For the most part, no harmful side effects occur, but sometimes allergies can occur. In pregnancy and lactation, it is also contraindicated. A side effect in the treatment of these suppositories is the local reaction of the vagina in the form of itching and burning, as well as irritation of the external genitalia.

With regard to the effectiveness of nystatin in the treatment of thrush , to date, most patients do not feel any improvement from this drug, since it is believed that fungi have already adapted to this medication and are not amenable to its action.