The Benefits of Cooked Corn in the Cob

Many people like to pamper themselves with this simple but very tasty dish, but if you care about your health, make up the menu in accordance with the recommendations of experts, so let's talk a little about the benefits of cooked corn cob and whether it is worth it.

Benefits and harm of corn in the ear

Grains of sugar corn are quite high in calories, so it is not recommended to eat such a dish too often and in large quantities for those who want to lose weight. 100 grams of grains account for almost 100 kcal, which is quite an impressive figure.

But, despite this, the useful properties of corn in the cob can not be underestimated. In the grains you will find vitamin E , PP, H, A and Group B, all these substances are necessary for our body, they help to establish digestion processes, improve metabolism, participate in protein synthesis, strengthen immunity and even promote skin turgor. The content of trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus , sulfur and magnesium is another argument in favor of including corn in your diet. Strengthening the heart muscle and bone tissue, improving the work of nerve fibers - all this gives us the listed substances and that's how corn on the cob, both raw and past heat treatment, is useful.

If you talk about contraindications, then do not eat this dish for people with a stomach ulcer, poor blood coagulability and diabetes. Also do not forget that corn can cause allergic reactions, so if you are trying it for the first time, limit yourself to start with a very small portion (30-70 g). If no negative manifestations (rash, discomfort in the intestines, redness of the skin, etc.) are not will, you can safely eat a dish without fear of allergies.

How useful is boiled corn on the cob?

Of course, when cooking, some of the microelements and vitamins are destroyed, but this does not mean that there is such a dish is not worth it. First, in grains even after heat treatment there is a rather large amount of nutrients, and secondly, they contain a lot of fiber that helps to regulate the intestine. Experts say that eating a portion of cooked corn 1-2 times a week, a person can get rid of constipation, increased gas production and even normalize sleep. It is recommended to include this dish in the menu and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases or pain in the area of ​​the gall bladder.