Stress hormone

During stress, whether psychological or physical, the bark of our adrenal glands develops a stress hormone called cortisol, which belongs to the glucocorticoid hormone group.

Force Majeure

At a moment of nervous and psychological stress, it is vitally necessary for our body to ensure its normal functioning in conditions of a "force majeure" falling on its head. The main properties of this stress hormone are an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood and the promotion of a more accelerated fission of fats. In addition, he is also an excellent stimulator of cardiac activity and concentration of attention , which, you will agree, is important in a stressful situation.

At the moment of its release, the body announces the "general mobilization" of all its resources in order to cope as quickly as possible with the negative that caused stress, and heroism, as is known, is not always appreciated, and the consequences of such a "march-throw" can be extremely deplorable.

Get plenty of sleep and move!

For example, if a stress hormone is increased in the body, it can lead to hypertension and a decrease in immunity, as well as contribute to various inflammatory processes. In addition, excess cortisol leads to the deposition of fats in the chest, back and waist, and can also cause severe swelling in the face. The causes of all these unpleasant consequences can be not only cortisol produced by the body, but also contained in various medications, in particular in prednisone.

In such cases it is important to know how to reduce the stress hormone. If the situation is not too serious, good results are brought by sports and full sleep, which help to lower the level of cortisol and the production of hormones of endorphin and serotonin, which, in addition to of all other things, are considered hormones of good mood.

Second wind

Another hormone, developed during stress, is adrenaline. Due to it, the pulse increases and small arteries narrow. He makes fatigued muscles forget about fatigue and the person, at the time of his release, like a second wind opens: work efficiency improves, there is a general rise in tone and an extraordinary burst of energy. Adrenaline is a stress hormone that our adrenal glands produce at the time of intense fear or anger, but like cortisol, all its positive aspects are reduced to only a short-term effect. However, a reduced amount of adrenaline in the blood is also harmful and often leads to apathy and passivity.