Visual illusions

Have you ever seen a rather strange picture when a motley pattern on a contrasting bright background suddenly acquired volume and came into motion, although you were completely sure that the whole composition was completely immobile? If so, then at that moment you were in captivity in visual illusion .

Do not believe your eyes!

Your brain distorted the true ratio of the shape and size of the object you are watching, making you believe that the picture is moving. Such false visual perception occurs quite often, and thanks for it we must first of all chain of connections between our receptors, the organs of vision and certain think tanks that are responsible for "decoding" the visual information that comes to them.

Such illusions of sight are fundamentally different from hallucinations, which, in essence, are an illusion, only not seen in reality, but the one that the human brain itself created, thus creating "something out of nowhere". It occurs as a result of various disorders of brain activity and the etymology of such visions can be different, beginning with the influence of any factors introduced into the body from the outside in the case of using narcotic or psychotropic substances and ending with mental disorders or elementary lack of sleep.

Types of illusions

There are many varieties of illusions of sight. The most common of these are: the illusion of movement, dual images, and a distorted perception of size. Separately it is worth mentioning binocular illusions. Any person can conduct a simple experiment: bring together the ends of your index fingers, placing them horizontally, at a distance of 30-40 cm from the eyes and look through them into the distance, slightly defocusing your eyes. You will clearly see between them yet another nonexistent phalanx of a finger, similar to a small sausage. The reason for its appearance lies in the difference in information that our brain receives from the light image that enters the retina of the left and right eyes.

As for the illusions of the movement, they are directly related to the interpretation of information about the size and speed of the object, which are fed into the visual centers of the cerebral cortex. For example, everyone knows the so-called lunar effect of persecution. When you go at night on a car, it seems to you that the heavenly body follows you, and even though your car is moving at a fairly decent speed, and the moon, in theory, just stays in place.

By the way, not all secrets of illusions of sight received their logical explanation. The same moon hanging above the horizon seems much larger than when it is directly above your head. Why do we perceive the dependence of the size of large objects on distances and the prospects for location in this way, science has yet to be clarified.

The art of seeing

Many kinds of illusions of view have become just a gift of heaven for artists and other representatives of the art world. In particular, almost half of the surrealism created in the genre, in one way or another, is based on fraudulent optical effects, which make it possible to see combined or dual images that give the pictures a special, hidden meaning.

In addition, the ability of our brain to search for familiar forms and images where, in theory, it should not be, for centuries used by priests, shamans and psychics for all kinds of predictions and prophecies. Working with images that appear on various viscous, liquid and loose substances, they correlated them with future events. And why go far? It's enough just to lift your eyes and look at the sky. In any cloud floating above you, if you want, you can see at least a couple of familiar shapes.

The tendency of the human mind to seek recognition in the formless, successfully used in psychology and psychiatry, when to determine the psychological state of the patient, the latter is asked to determine what exactly is depicted in the so-called "picture blots", dark spots that seemingly do not carry any semantic load. Nevertheless, two different people are able to see in them absolutely different from each other images. Such a difference in vision is explained not only by the current emotional and psychological state of the patient, but also by the degree of development of a complex chain of interrelations between the projection of the image onto the retina and the subsequent transmission of information about it to certain think tanks. This explains the fact that it is much easier for some people to "see the invisible" in the objects we are familiar with than with others.

One of the great ones said that our entire world around us, in fact, is one big illusion, the psychology of perception of which has not been fully understood. Someday we will understand how a complex machine of interaction of human consciousness with the external environment is arranged, but will it be easier to live from this? That is the question.