Pig tongue is good and bad

Pork, despite the very controversial comments of nutritionists and medical specialists, is one of the most common types of meat. Pork tongue belongs to high-quality offal and has a delicate structure with a delicate taste. Many people like dishes with this delicacy. But whether the pig language is useful and what is its benefit and harm, not everyone knows.

Benefit and harm of the pig tongue

To understand what benefits can be obtained from the pig language, you need to consider its biochemical composition and caloric value . This by-product, as well as in pork meat, contains many useful substances, minerals and vitamins. In its composition, it is second only to the tenderloin, that is, the meat of the first category.

The main thing, than the pig language is useful, is a high content of unsaturated fatty acids, which make up more than 5 g per 100 g of product. Vitamin and mineral composition includes:

Caloric content of the product is 210 kcal per 100 g, which is significantly lower than the average energy value of pork meat - about 270-280 kcal. The weight of one language is about 300 g.

Despite the rich composition, frequent and large amounts of consumption of this by-product can be harmful. In its composition a very large proportion of fats (69%) and cholesterol (50 mg), which can disrupt the digestive system and negatively affect the vessels. It is undesirable to abuse pork products for people suffering from liver and gall bladder disease.

Particular attention should be paid when choosing and buying this product. Scientists have found that the language of animals accumulates a lot of antibodies, antibiotic residues and growth hormones. For this reason, acquiring pig language, one must be sure that manufacturers did not abuse chemical and pharmaceutical preparations when feeding the animal.