Osteomyelitis in children

Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone marrow, its spongy and compact substance. This disease is caused by infection and requires serious treatment. Due to the anatomical features of the structure of the circulatory system in newborns, the epiphyseal form of osteomyelitis usually occurs. In this case, the cartilage tissue is damaged. At an older age, children are more likely to have hematogenous osteomyelitis, which is associated with inflammation within the tubular bones. Since the focus of bone damage manifests itself not immediately, then there are difficulties with timely diagnosis, which is fraught with complications and death.

Causes of osteomyelitis in children

The purulent infectious process of any limb can develop due to:

  1. Spread of the infection through the bloodstream (for example, with serious infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, brucellosis, etc.).
  2. Contact infection of the open wound with aerobic pyogenic microorganisms of staphylococcal and streptococcal group.
  3. Infection of the infection with injections, punctures.
  4. Postoperative infection in orthopedic surgery.
  5. Infections of bones from neighboring tissues, in which purulent processes occur.

Symptoms of osteomyelitis in children

The manifestations of osteomyelitis largely depend on the age of the child, his immunity and the affected area of ​​the bone.

In newborns and children of the first year of life the development of osteomyelitis is reflected mainly on the general well-being of the child. There is sluggishness, nervous anxiety, pallor of the skin, lack of appetite and a high temperature of 39-40 ° C. The disease can be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. On close observation, you can see that the child, as it were, spares the limb, trying not to move it, not touch it. You can also notice a slight reddening of the skin in the area where the joint is affected by the infection. After 2-3 days, redness and swelling spread to the entire limb. If the time is not taken, it is possible to spread purulent metastases throughout the body.

In older children, there is a more pronounced manifestation of these symptoms, but the development of inflammation is more prolonged in time, and reddening and swelling of the entire limb are observed only a week after the first manifestations of osteomyelitis.

Consequences of osteomyelitis in children

Epiphyseal osteomyelitis in children is dangerous due to disability due to disruption of the growth of the affected limb. Later, recognition of this disease is fraught with a wide spread of purulent metastases, intoxication of the body, sepsis. The severe course of osteomyelitis, as well as untimely and inadequate treatment is dangerous for the child's life.

Than to treat an osteomyelitis?

Treatment of osteomyelitis in children occurs in two ways: conservative and surgical. In both cases, powerful and prolonged antibiotic therapy is conducted in the fight against pyogenic microorganisms. It is also important to increase the body's defenses, which is achieved by taking antiviral drugs, vitamins.

The surgical method involves perforated drainage of the bone for local treatment of the purulent area with antibiotics and various anti-inflammatory solutions.

Folk treatment of osteomyelitis

Is it possible and how to treat osteomyelitis with folk remedies? Yes, it can have a positive effect, but only if the combination of this therapy with the prescribed treatment of traditional medicine.

Recipes of traditional medicine for treatment osteomyelitis in children:

  1. Dried buds or flowers of purple lilac to fill in a liter jar to the top and pour vodka. The composition should be infused for ten days. The strained tincture can be used in compresses on the affected limb, as well as giving the child two drops each day before recovery.
  2. Milled large onion mixed with mashed soap. This mixture is put on the cloth and applied to a sore spot, fix the top with a bandage. Such compresses can be done at night each day until the symptoms disappear completely.