Bifidumbacterin for newborns

When the baby is in the mother's womb, his intestines, like the whole body, are sterile. But as soon as it is born, all organs and systems first encounter millions of useful and harmful bacteria, microbes and viruses.

Milk of the mother is what should get into the baby's digestive system as early as possible and outstrip the pathogenic microflora. That is why it is so important to first put the baby to the breast immediately after childbirth. If this is not done, and the baby gets an adapted mixture, his bowel is attacked by both good and bad microorganisms. Their balance is the health of the baby.

In order for useful bacteria to colonize the intestine as soon as possible, Bifidumbacterin for newborns should be used, especially if the baby is an artificial person, was born with low weight, birth trauma or as a result of Caesarean section. The main inhabitants of the lower sections of the digestive tract are bifidobacteria, and therefore the preparations containing them are the main helpers in the fight against the manifestations of dysbiosis in babies.

With the help of this drug, the digestion process is soon established, and this most directly affects the immune system of the child, because everyone knows that immunity is born in the intestine.

Without prescribing a doctor, no medication should be used. Especially if it's about the baby. The doctor will strictly determine the dosage, the frequency of treatment and the duration of treatment. If you do not know if Bifidumbacterin can be given to a newborn, ask the district pediatrician about this. His answer will be positive. Even children who do not have problems are often prescribed for prevention.

How to give a newborn Bifidumbacterin?

There are several forms of this drug that can be used by children. Domestic and foreign manufacturers are issuing medicine. Their composition is identical, but the price is different. There are powders in sachets, solutions in ampoules, syrups and tablets. Perhaps, the tablet form needs to be postponed so far, like the syrup, which contains auxiliary substances.

The most successful are the ampoules with the ready-made solution, which you just need to pour into the spoon and give the baby. But it has one drawback - it contains milk sugar, which is not tolerated by some children and can cause an allergic reaction.

If your baby is allergic and his lactase enzyme is poorly produced, then only packets with a drug that are diluted in a bottle of boiled water will do. It is advisable to give the medicine half an hour before meals or after, when the stomach is not full, then the effect is achieved sooner.

How many days should I give Bifidumbacterin to newborns?

The time of treatment with the drug is strictly individual for each baby and is prescribed by the attending physician. In addition, the dosage in different forms of release is different. The frequency of admission is usually two times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Depending on the severity of a particular disease, the drug is prescribed. So, for prevention prescribe the minimum dose, which is given from seven to ten days. If it is a serious digestive problem, the course of treatment is often three weeks or more.

From colic for newborns Bifidumbacterin is given for two weeks, twice a day. And although this is not a panacea, mothers who give it to their babies note that painful swelling after the course of treatment remains in the past.

Although Bifidumbacterin is also prescribed for the normalization of digestion also with constipation of newborns , however, it can aggravate this situation, since it all depends on the characteristics of the small human body.