Acute pyelonephritis - treatment

Treatment of acute pyelonephritis should be performed in a urological or nephrological hospital, since this form of the disease poses a real threat to life. However, first aid can be provided independently. Let's talk about the features of therapy and the main mistakes that can be made.

Treatment of acute pyelonephritis in hospital

Acute pyelonephritis does not imply treatment at home. This is possible only after the disease has passed into a chronic form. At this stage, diuretics can be used and preventive courses of antibiotics are prescribed. An obligatory condition is adherence to a special diet and drinking regimen.

The first help with this disease is to normalize the process of urination and resume the distillation of urine and blood by the kidneys. Dysuria can be used catheters for the bladder and urethra, as well as vasodilator drugs. After this problem is solved, the patient should increase the amount of fluid consumed in order to strengthen the excretory function. This is necessary to reduce the concentration of bacteria and the removal of the products of their vital functions from the body, as well as medicines. Water should be drunk, in addition the volume of fluid is increased by intravenous infusions.

Treatment of acute pyelonephritis with antibiotics

Antibiotic therapy is the main and decisive factor in the therapy of acute pyelonephritis. Preparations are selected depending on the patient's well-being, his age, as well as the complications that have developed against the background of the disease. The most common mistake is when drugs are prescribed for the chronic form of the disease: Ampicillin, Oxacillin and uroseptics - Nitroxoline, Palin.

The most effective in acute form Gentamicin and fluoroquinolones:

Another common mistake is not to change the drug in the event that during 3 days it did not give an effect. It is necessary to choose an antibiotic of another group.