Development of speech in the middle group

Children 4-5 years develop very quickly and productively. Of course, for this they must be in the conditions accompanying this. The development of speech in the middle group of the kindergarten is an obligatory part of the educational process, the goal of which is to set up a coherent, consistent presentation of one's thoughts, the ability to speak correctly and clearly. Some four-year-olds may not understand that words are sets of individual sounds, and therefore it is very important to draw their attention to the sonic side of what we are saying.

Lessons in the development of speech in the middle group

To prepare classes to improve the ability of babies to speak, educators are encouraged to use the manuals that O.S. Ushakov, and also V.V. Gerbova on the development of speech in the middle group. Very useful may also be the abstracts of integrated occupations developed by A.V. Aji, as well as classes on the sound culture of E.V. Kolesnikova.

Development of speech of children of the middle group

Let's consider the basic directions of speech work in a kindergarten.

Firstly, kids should just be allowed to communicate with each other. So all the necessary skills are formed, and this happens quite naturally.

Secondly, they need to be taught to retell. The retelling can be based not only on the tale or story that was heard, but also on the events that happened to the child himself. Parents can also use this method, offering their son or daughter to tell what happened in the kindergarten for the day, or what was in the cartoon they watched.

Third, working with pictures can be extremely productive. For example, you can consider a certain picture, discuss what is depicted on it. At the same time, the educator should make every effort to ensure that the children "talk", become interested in the topic and picture, are not afraid to talk, express their opinion, ask each other questions. You can also recommend the use of special pictures with the mistakes of the artist, or "find differences" in order to develop the logical thinking of the children in parallel.

Fourthly, role-playing games are useful and interesting . As in any game, in such games, children are liberated. The educator should encourage them to an active dialogue, to answer questions, but not to correct their speech errors. In general, any work on errors should be conducted after the session and without indicating who made this or that mistake.