Lactose-free mixtures

For anyone, the undeniable benefit of mother's milk is not a secret. It has all the elements that are so necessary for a little man who has just appeared. Unfortunately, this rule is not without exceptions. Some babies are carriers of a rare disease caused by the absence of enzymes in the immature intestine, which are necessary for complete splitting of the mother's milk. Milk sugar, which it contains, with lactase deficiency is not split. As a result, the baby has serious health problems: pain in the tummy, bloating, underweight, foamy stool . This disease is often the cause of the complete rejection of crumbs from the chest .

There are only two options for solving this problem. The first is the use of enzyme drugs, which compensate for the lack of its own intestinal microflora. In this case, the mother can continue to breastfeed the baby. The second option - a complete rejection of natural feeding. Mother's milk in this case should be replaced with children's lactose-free mixtures, which means that they do not include lactose, that is milk sugar.

Main differences

What is the difference between the lactose-free infant formula and the conventional ones, which include this component? Like other adapted, lactose-free mixtures are developed taking into account the needs of the growing baby's body. Manufacturers are making every effort to get them closer to the mother's milk by composition. Most of the usual mixtures are made on the basis of cow's milk, and in lactose-free mixtures it is replaced by goat or soy. In addition, nutrition for children with lactase deficiency is enriched with microelements, vitamins and minerals, reducing in parallel the content of salt and protein.

The essential difference is that the adapted mum can pick up the baby by himself, focusing only on the tastes of the crumbs, as well as the reaction of his body to a new food product. And the question of which lactose-free mixture is best for children, taking into account the peculiarities of their health, only a doctor can decide! And it's not just that this food is medical, because lactase deficiency is not an excuse for completely giving up lactose, in which the body needs the baby all the time. In each specific case, the ration of crumbs should be adjusted, and only specialists can do it!

Rules for administering the mixture

Today, dozens of different kinds of de-lactose mixtures can be seen on sale. The most demanded are the following:

The first four types of mixtures are suitable for newborn babies.

And now about what rules exist for the introduction of lactose-free mixtures, are there exceptions from them? First, the nutrition recommended by the doctor is introduced only step by step, controlling the reaction of the body. The mixture can cause constipation, a sharp decrease in weight, a deterioration in the well-being of the crumbs. In addition, the allergy to the chosen lactose-free mixture is not ruled out. To introduce a new mixture is necessary with micro-doses, starting with a teaspoon. If you notice one of the symptoms listed above, talk with your doctor about replacing a particular mixture with another one.

In most cases, with the ripening of the child's gastrointestinal tract, enzymes that break down lactose begin to be produced in the required amount.