How to give a Simplex to a newborn?

In the first months of the baby's life, a large number of young mothers face such problems as increased gas production and intestinal colic. In such moments, you want to alleviate the suffering of your child by any means, offering him an effective and safe medicine.

One of these drugs are Sab Simplex drops, which naturally remove excess gases from a child's body. This tool, like any other, has certain indications and contraindications, as well as the rules of admission, which should be strictly observed. In this article we will tell you how to give the Simplex to a newborn to alleviate his condition and not harm the child's body.

How to take a Simplex to a newborn?

To give the Sabe Simplex remedy to a newborn baby, it is first necessary to shake the vial and turn it down with a pipette. Next, you need to measure the required number of drops. The dosage of the Simplex SAB for newborns is 15 drops, which should be given to the crumb during or after the feeding. In the case of severe colic, it can be increased, and the time interval between taking the medication, respectively, is reduced.

Meanwhile, all young parents are interested in how often to give the Simplex to the newborn. Usually this medicine is taken 2 times a day - during day feeding and before bedtime. In any case, you can give the Simplex to the newborn only as many times as indicated in the instructions - no more than 8 per day. This product is most conveniently mixed with water or an adapted milk mixture. Nevertheless, if the child is on natural feeding, it is best to give the child a remedy with a special syringe.

Finally, it is not uncommon for young parents to ask how long it is possible to give the Simplex to a newborn baby. Most doctors agree that this drug is not addictive, so it can be taken as long as the child is concerned about increased gas production.