Amount of amniotic fluid

The amniotic fluid is the first habitat for the baby. They nourish it, protect it and create coziness. The development and safety of a child depends on the amount and composition of the amniotic fluid . For the first time, amniotic fluid appears around the 8th week of pregnancy, and is a filtrate of the mother's blood plasma.

How much amniotic fluid should be?

If we talk about the volume, then the normal amount of amniotic fluid fluctuates between 600-1500 ml. From the number of amniotic fluid much depends, because they provide the child with freedom of movement, normal metabolism and protect the cord from squeezing.

The amount of amniotic fluid directly depends on the period of pregnancy. With the increase in the period, their volume increases. Amount of amniotic fluid for weeks looks like this: at 10 weeks the pregnant woman has 30 ml of amniotic fluid, 13-14 - 100 ml, at 18-20 weeks - about 400 ml. By 37-38 week of pregnancy the amount of amniotic fluid is maximal and is 1000-1500 ml.

By the end of pregnancy, this volume can be reduced to 800 ml. And in case of overdrafting of amniotic fluid, there may be less than 800 ml. Accordingly, the weight of the placenta and amniotic fluid that exit at the birth of the baby is approximately 1300-1800 mg. In this case, the placenta weighs from 500 to 1000 mg, and the weight of amniotic fluid is about 800 mg.

Violations in the number of amniotic fluid

Sometimes, for one reason or another, the volume of the amniotic fluid does not correspond to the norm - there are more or more prescribed or, conversely, less. If the amount of amniotic fluid is reduced, it is about infertility in pregnancy . A large number of amniotic fluid is called polyhydramnios.

A small amount of amniotic fluid threatens chronic intrauterine hypoxia, since this condition reduces the possibility of free movement of the fetus. The uterus tightens around the baby, and all his movements are painfully felt by the pregnant woman. There is a risk of development in the child of such deviations as small height and weight at birth, clubfoot, curvature of the spine, dryness and wrinkledness of the skin.

If we talk about the causes of malnutrition, the main ones are infectious and inflammatory diseases in the mother, metabolic disorders, fetoplacental insufficiency, abnormalities of the urinary system of the child. Often such a phenomenon is observed in one of the identical twins due to the uneven distribution of the amniotic fluid.

To increase the amount of amniotic fluid, it is necessary, first of all, to cure or minimize the disease that led to low salinity. In addition, therapy is provided to improve uteroplacental blood flow, restore gas exchange and plaque metabolism.

The opposite phenomenon is polyhydramnios. This diagnosis is made if more than 2 liters of fluid are detected in the course of ultrasound in a pregnant woman. The causes of polyhydramnios are a violation of the development of organ systems in the child (digestive, cardiovascular), infections (syphilis, rubella, etc.), diabetes mellitus in pregnant women, fetal development anomaly (Down's disease).

Polyhydramnios can lead to premature water, so it is necessary to fight this phenomenon. Treatment consists in getting rid (if possible) of the causes that led to the pathology, as well as taking medications that help normalize the volume of amniotic fluid.

In especially severe cases, it is recommended to go to the hospital and be under constant medical supervision. A full examination is recommended to identify possible deviations in the development of the baby.