Proctitis - symptoms and treatment

For elimination from the body of food digestion food, the rectum, consisting of the muscle layer, and also the active mucosa, responds. In inflammatory processes in this part of the body, a proctitis develops - the symptoms and treatment of pathology depends on its shape, cause, prevalence and clinical course.

Symptoms and treatment of chronic and acute proctitis

If the described disease is characterized by rapid progression, within a few hours or days, it is considered acute. Typical signs of this form of the disease:

When proctitis develops slowly, for many months or even years, it is chronic. For this form of pathology, there is a more profound inflammatory lesion of the mucous membranes and a higher risk of serious complications in the future.

Symptoms of chronic illness:

It is important to note that the listed signs of the considered form of the disease are observed only at the moments of its relapse. During remission, there are no significant clinical manifestations.

The therapy of the presented disease completely corresponds to its reasons.

With regard to general recommendations, treatment of symptoms of ulcerative or post-radiation proctitis, as well as any other forms of pathology, begins with a diet. Of the diet will have to exclude absolutely all products that can irritate the mucous membrane of the rectum:

The menu should consist mainly of dietary fried meat or fish, soups with a weak broth, sour-milk products, kissels.

Depending on the pathogen of inflammation, adequate medication is selected - antibiotics or antiviral drugs, they are prescribed by the proctologist after revealing the cause of the proctitis.

To eliminate spasms and relax the muscles of the rectum, stop the pain and ease the bowel movement, the following medicines are additionally used:

Candles and other topical products for the treatment of symptoms of proctitis

To facilitate the emptying of the intestine, special cleansing enemas that are performed daily, as a rule, in the morning, help. Warm water is introduced by means of a mug of Esmarch.

After cleansing it is necessary to make curative enemas with vegetable oils (sea buckthorn, olives) and Kollargol.

An additional antiseptic effect produces sedentary baths with manganese.

To heal damaged mucous membranes, rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn or methyluracil are prescribed.

Treatment of symptoms and causes of proctitis folk remedies

To remove acute signs of the considered pathology and to stop inflammation microclysters with medicinal herbs help:

Strengthen the effect of these medicinal plants allows the reception of decoctions of marigold marigold and chamomile flowers inside. You can also add to the drink other antiseptic and antimicrobial plants: