How to feed grapes in the fall?

Like all plants of the garden and vegetable garden, grapes are also required for good fruit bearing. They are carried out at the very beginning of the growing season - in the spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed, and the sap flow has just begun. Some top dressing is done in the summer, many of which are foliar - on green mass.

But still the main food grapes teach in the fall, for a good wintering in a harsh time, as well as for quality aging of the wood. It is necessary to know what to feed grapes for the winter in the autumn, because some substances, for example, nitrogen, tighten the ripening of the vine and prepare the plant for winter.

Some people are not sure whether it is necessary to feed grapes in autumn, because in winter the plant is asleep. But it is necessary to do this precisely so that the grape bushes well carry the wintering, and in the spring, as soon as it gets warmer, the nutrients in the earth will immediately begin to work, which is not visible to the naked eye, but in the autumn it will affect the amount of harvested crop.

In addition, the land becomes poorer with time, the nutrients from it are washed out by irrigations and rains, and are also expended on the development of the plant itself. Therefore, feeding after the fruiting process is simply necessary, at least in order to restore the supply of nutrients in the soil.

What fertilizer to feed the grapes in the fall?

Fertilizers for grapes can be divided into organic and inorganic (mineral) fertilizers. Both are extremely necessary for the growth and development of the vine, as well as for improving the taste of grapes.

The most popular organic fertilizer at all times was cow dung and chicken droppings. It enriches the soil with useful organic substances, makes it nutritious, structured (more friable and air permeable), creating the most favorable conditions for fructification and development of the plant as a whole.

In addition to manure , humus, peat, compost and ash are used . All these substances act like manure, but do not replace it, they only supplement, while improving the physico-chemical indices of the soil on which grape bushes grow.

From mineral fertilizers, which are recommended for autumn application under grapes, it is necessary to choose such simple one-component substances:

Of the multicomponent mineral fertilizers, which are required for the plant before winter, it is necessary to give preference to ammophoske and nitrophos, which already have potassium with phosphorus in the composition in the required ratio. Preparations are introduced into the soil according to the instructions on the package.

How to fertilize grapes with organic (manure / peat / humus)?

In order for organic fertilizer to reach its destination and fulfill the assigned role, some knowledge in this area will be required. So, with an improper, superficial fertilizer, organic plant roots are formed close to the surface and freeze in severe winters, depriving the plant of strength, and deep roots of proper nutrition.

Therefore, organic components should be sealed in grooves, depth of at least 20 cm, which are made in a radius of at least 80 cm from the trunk and after filling, they are sprinkled with soil and tamped. After such fertilization watering will not be required.

How to fertilize grapes with ashes?

Ash is a valuable organic substance that is needed by grapes. But it is not necessary to excessively zealous with its use, so as not to cause the disease in the plant chlorosis.

Before the ash is introduced into the stem of the grape, four buckets of water are poured out, and after it is completely absorbed into the fifth, 300 grams of ash is added and the plant is again watered.