Love spell - consequences

Many of us, one day, suffered from unrequited love . In moments of longing, they thought about the most different ways of spoiling. So here are some of the most accessible ways for a person, this is a love spell for salt. In addition, he is also very effective in love magic.

Here are a few ways to spell with salt:

  1. Privorot on the salt of her husband - on Saturday morning, say to the altar (consecrated) salt, folded in a bag of cloth, the words:

    "How people love salt and can not live without it, so that my husband loved me and could not live without me, have a minute to pass, not an hour to spend hours, not a day to go, I would go all for me and admire me. Amen".

    Then salt the husband's food with salt. You can do this multiple times to improve the result and prolong the effect of the spell.

  2. Privorot on the guy's salt - break off a piece of bread from a whole loaf and sprinkle it with a large salt, saying at the same time:

    "Zapet, zaest, cling to me, not lying in the grave, but walking on the ground servant of God (name of the guy), wherever he went, anyway, to me, the servant of God (the name of the girl) would return! For words my key, my affairs are a castle. " In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    And at the first opportunity, give your boy to eat this piece of bread and salt.

  3. Strong spell on salt, the return of love - take the brazier burning birch coals in your left hand and put on them three pieces of incense (small). In your right hand take a salted three times a piece of bread. Now go to the threshold of the door, closest to the exit, further to the threshold (three thresholds - it's better if you go straight without folding). On the threshold you get up (so that the middle of the foot is across the half-open door at the very threshold), baptize with bread and salt and say (at each doorstep say three times, eating bread): "Remember, Lord, the newly-placed servant of God (Name) in His kingdom. "

These actions take six weeks during the service in the church, namely: from 10 to 12 hours or from 22 to 24 hours.

However, do not forget that a love spell can give the desired result only when young people approach each other, and with the help of the spell of one of them it is necessary, only to push to family happiness .

Well, if a guy and a girl do not fit, then there will be no happiness in such a family. The guy that the girl received with a spell (or vice versa), will not be with her for long and will make attempts to leave the girl by breaking off the relationship.

Privorot on salt can be removed on its own, as well as many privoroty on salt are not long-term.