Kefir with ginger for weight loss

Many people know that yogurt is an excellent, light and nutritious product for slimming, which quickly gives saturation, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes easier and more effective weight loss. Strengthen the positive effects of kefir, if you add to it another popular product for weight loss - ginger. This plant enhances metabolism and promotes the accelerated disappearance of excess kilograms.

Cocktail of yogurt and ginger

Consider a delicious and simple recipe for kefir with ginger for weight loss. Typically, this mixture is also added cinnamon - another highly effective ingredient, which allows you to further accelerate the metabolism and make any diet more effective.

Kefir with ginger for weight loss



All the ingredients are placed in a glass, pour with fresh yogurt (preferably 1% fat), mix. The drink is ready for use!

Lose weight with ginger and yogurt is very easy: you can drink it to muffle hunger, take before going to bed or as an afternoon tea. Remove from the diet fatty, fried and sweet, and you are much easier to cope with excess weight.

Diet with ginger and yogurt

Before you drink kefir with ginger, you should decide on a diet. We offer you a diet based on proper nutrition, with which you will evenly throw off about 1 kg every week, without suffering from hunger. You can eat this all the time, because the diet is made according to all the canons of healthy nutrition and will not harm the body.

Option 1.

  1. Breakfast - a couple of boiled eggs, a salad of sea kale, tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch is a portion of light soup, a thin slice of black bread.
  3. Afternoon snack - a glass of yogurt with ginger.
  4. Dinner - low-fat fish baked with vegetables.
  5. Before going to bed - a glass of yogurt with ginger.

Option 2.

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal porridge with grated apple, tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch - vegetable soup , a handful of crackers.
  3. Afternoon snack - a glass of yogurt with ginger.
  4. Dinner - chicken breast or beef with cabbage.
  5. Before going to bed - a glass of yogurt with ginger.

Alternatively, you can leave your diet as it is now, but replace the dinner with 1-2 glasses of kefir with ginger. This is a very simple way, the effectiveness of which depends on how often you eat sweet, fat and flour - the main opponents of harmony.