Cowberry jam with apples

Cowberry - a forest berry, growing in the northern latitudes. From it prepare compotes, cowberry fruit and jam. At the same time, many useful substances remain even after heat treatment. Now we will tell you how to make jam from cowberry and apples.

A recipe for jam from cowberry and apples



First, from the water and sugar, cook the syrup, then spread the washed cowberry into it. Gently mix everything and bring to a boil. After that we remove the mass from the fire, let it cool down and again we return the jam to the fire. Apples are peeled and cut into thin slices. We spread them in cranberry mass and stirring, not to burn, cook jam until the apples are ready. After that it can be poured on sterile cans and rolled up.

A recipe for jam from cowberry with apples and walnuts



Berries cranberries sorted, washed and stacked in a pan. Pour 100 ml of water and cook under the closed lid, until the berries become soft. After that, we rub them through a fine sieve. The resulting cranberry puree is mixed with sugar, bring the mass to almost boiling and add slices of peeled apples and chopped walnuts. All together boil on a small fire for about 1 hour.

Cowberry jam with apples and oranges



Apples are peeled and peeled and cut into random pieces. Orange is also peeled and cut into pieces. Cowberry, apples and oranges are passed through a meat grinder. From the water and half of the sugar, cook the syrup, then combine it with a mass of oranges, apples and cranberries and all together cook for another 15 minutes. Remove the jam from the fire, add the rest of the sugar, gently mix and spread the jam over sterile jars.

Cowberry jam with apples and lemons



Berries cranberries sorted, washed and dried. We peel apples from the skin and seeds. If they are not large, then cut each apple into 4 parts, if large, it can be cut into 6-8 parts. Lemons scalded with boiling water, cut slices together with the skin, remove the bones. Berries cranberries mixed with sugar, add vanilla, cinnamon and cloves. We cook the berries with sugar and spices for 10 minutes, after which the formed juice is filtered. We put apples into it and cook them to the state of semi-preparedness. After that, spread the lemon and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the fire, add cranberries and mix. We spread the ready jam on the banks.

Cowberry jam with apples and carrots



Now tell us how to make jam from cowberry and apples. Berries cranberries are sorted and mine. After that, blanch them for 2-3 minutes in boiling water. We do this to make the berries bitter, and the peel becomes soft. My apples, we clean and cut with thin slices. Cowberry is piled in a saucepan, add sugar and pour in water. On a small fire, bring the mass to a boil. Carrots are peeled and put whole into a saucepan with jam. Carrots will absorb the extra bitterness. Boil the jam for 25-30 minutes after boiling. Carrots are taken out, and the jam is poured into jars.