Sarcoidosis of the skin

A systemic disease that affects various systems and organs is called sarcoidosis. Until now, it has not been possible to find out why it occurs, although there is a theory that the pathology is transmitted genetically, depends on the immune balance. Sarcoidosis of the skin is a fairly rare form of the disease, occurring in less than 50% of all cases, usually in women.

Symptoms of skin sarcoidosis

There are 4 forms of the described ailment:

In turn, the sarcoid of Beck is divided into 3 groups:

Signs of small-node sarcoma Beck - rashes, whose diameter does not exceed 5 mm. Elements are hemispherical, dense, cyanotic or brown in color.

Skin lesions with coarse-grained sarcoidosis are characterized by the presence of flat plaques of brown-cyanotic hue. The size of such formations reaches 2 cm.

Diffusive-infiltrative pathology is rare, accompanied by the appearance of large (up to the length of the palm) dense foci with fuzzy boundaries.

Angiolyupoid Broca-Porye is known as sarcoidosis of the facial skin, because among its symptoms - large plaques up to 2 cm in diameter on the side wings of the nose, forehead. The elements have a soft surface, a bluish color.

With reflex lupus on the skin appear flat spots of purple-red hue. The borders of the rashes are clear and well marked.

For subcutaneous sarcoids, palpable nodes of various sizes are characteristic. They usually do not give uncomfortable sensations or pain. Subcutaneous neoplasms sometimes merge, forming extensive infiltrates. The superficial epidermis over the nodes becomes dull pink.

Diagnosis of skin sarcoidosis

As a rule, for the formulation of a differential diagnosis, it is required:

Treatment for sarcoidosis of the skin

The main way to treat the described pathology is long-term controlled use of corticosteroid hormones, in particular - Prednisolone. In addition, cytostatics (Cyclophosphamide, Prospidin) and antimalarial drugs (Rezokhin, Delagil) are prescribed.