How many dogs do dogs have?

Many prefer to start the home of thoroughbred dogs and exclude the possibility of the appearance in their home of an ordinary mongrel. But few people thought about the fact that the latter are among the most devoted and grateful animals. They are able, like no one else, to appreciate the role of man in his life. After all, the fate of these pets consists of many difficulties.

Often the life of a dog is cut off due to some common disease, for example, chum . In order for an animal to become infected, only one contact is sufficient. If it has its own home, the owners will take care of getting the vaccine vaccinated . But if the puppy lives on the street, one can only guess what will happen to him if the disease penetrates the baby's body.

How many years live dog mongrel?

All loving owners sooner or later thought about how many dogs the mongrel lived. After all, usually all members of the family are very attached to their pets. The owners of animals want their beloved and faithful friends to stay close to each other for as long as possible, and also to please everyone with a cheerful look.

It is believed that the average life expectancy of dogs, this is 9 - 12 years. If you keep a good eye on what your mongrel feeds, and in what conditions it lives, it is quite possible that your pet will live to 20.

Some experts argue that the size of the dog, as well as the genes that she received from her parents, play a key role in the length of her life. It is believed that small dogs live longer than their large relatives. From these considerations, the average age of the pet is calculated.

Do not forget that the life expectancy of a mongrel depends largely on you. Loving owner will not only monitor the health and nutrition of his puppy, but also treat him so that his faithful dog as long as possible remained nearby.