How to feed a petunia seedlings?

Petunia is a very bright and loved by many gardeners plant, because it blooms very long, and colors and species can be found a great variety. In addition, petunia can be grown both on a flower bed in the open ground, and in pots.

In order to brightly and beautifully decorate your garden area with petunias in the summer, it is necessary to grow seedlings in advance. But, as all this business will have to be in the winter months, it will be necessary to tinker and properly feed the young seedlings with vitamins, so that typical sores for them do not harm young shoots. Than you can feed petunia seedlings, as well as when it should be done - read below.

The first fertilizing of petunia seedlings

When on sprouts will appear on 3-4 strong leaves, you can start to make the first fertilizing. When moving young shoots into large containers, it is necessary to pour some universal fertilizer under the spine.

Watch the sprouts, if everything goes well, and they have well begun, then the second feeding can be done a week after the first. To do this, spray on the young leaves a complex fertilizer, which contains a lot of nitrogen. Over time, as seedlings will grow, it is necessary to switch from nitrogen-containing fertilizers to potato seedlings. The optimal schedule for watering and feeding will be alternation. At the same time, remember that there should not be excess moisture, in order not to damage the developing root system. You can try to water petunia from the pallet, she should like it.

Now you know what to feed the petunia seedlings after the picks , but we do not stop there and go further, learning how to fertilize the fertilizer with petunias in the future.

How to fertilize petunia seedlings?

In order for flowers to be strong and healthy, they need to be helped and stimulated. Seedlings should be administered about three times a week, naturally with alternating watering. As a fertilizer, one of these solutions can be used:

Another tip that is written on the labels for fertilizers, and is also actively used by all flower lovers: by caring for flowers, use this scheme of watering:

By the way, this scheme is suitable not only in caring for petunia seedlings, but also for most other colors.

Fertilizer for adult petunia

When your seedlings are in their permanent place, they will also need care. And only depending on their habitat will be selected and fertilizer. If you plant flowers in the open soil, which is well-saturated with microelements, then care and feeding your flowers will not be required. But if you grow petunia in pots or any other container, it is natural that soon the plant will pull out of its soil all its fertile and useful components, we will not forget about the rains, which will also help to wash everything you need. To prevent this from happening, when filling containers in which petunias will grow, use a special granular fertilizer with a lasting effect. These granules are designed specifically to ensure that nutrients, so necessary for all plants, are delivered evenly and for a fairly long time.

That's all the simple tricks that we wanted to share with you. Now you can tell anyone who is interested in you to tell you whether you need to feed petunia seedlings, and most importantly, how and what you need to do. We are sure that if you take advantage of our advice, there will be many such curious people.