Royal geranium

Varieties and varieties of geraniums are known very much. They all differ in colors, shapes, leaves and even their needs. In order to get a closer look at one of the types of indoor pelargonium - the royal geranium, read our article, which has answers to the most exciting questions.

Description of the flower royal geranium

Royal geranium has very large flowers, which reach 5-15 cm in circumference. The color range is very rich: from white to violet, with a bright border and without it. The height of the bushes of this species of geranium can vary from 30 to 60 cm. They differ from the usual geraniums and leaves that are surrounded by denticles, and are endowed with a rough surface.

Care for the royal geranium

Growing the royal geranium, you must adhere to certain rules, observance of which will allow you to fully enjoy the bright and rich flowering of this beauty.

  1. Shine. The royal geranium is very fond of bright lighting, but at the same time it does not tolerate heat. The optimal option for this grade of pelargonium will be the southern windows, from which, if necessary, it will be removed to a cooler place.
  2. The air temperature for the royal geranium in summer should not be more than 20 ° C, and in winter it will suit 10-15 ° C.
  3. Many with the onset of heat carry home plants under the open sky. Know that with the royal geranium it should be done carefully, because she does not like strong wind and rain. Because of this, those who grow royal pelargonium in the garden or vegetable garden very often cover it, protecting it from unfavorable weather.
  4. Watering the royal geranium does not differ from the watering of other species of this family: in summer it is frequent, but moderately, and in winter - 1 time per 1.5-2 weeks.
  5. Fertilizer. Particular attention should be paid to the period of flowering (the end of spring is the middle of summer), when pelargonium requires additional microelements. Suitable for any solution, designed specifically for the flowering period. Pay attention to fertilizing will be necessary once a week.
  6. Also, the royal geranium in the flowering period and after it needs additional care. But do not be frightened by these words, they mean only what needs to be monitored and in time to save your beauty from dry buds and leaves. After the flowering period is over, it is necessary to form a bush. To do this, cut it, and where you need to pinch. Such actions will ensure a more magnificent blooming in the future.
  7. Advice when choosing a pot for geranium: it should not be very large. Those who have long been breeding this kind of flowers, noticed that the closer the pot, the better the geranium grows and blooms. But here also it is not necessary to rush from an extreme to an extreme.
  8. And of course, how to forget about the soil in which geranium will grow. Although it is very unpretentious in this matter, there is still one "but" - the biting land is fatal for the royal geranium. And this is the only exception. Transplanting geranium into a new pot, use the finished mixture sold in stores, and do not forget about the drainage, which is needed in many colors.

Reproduction of the royal geranium

Royal geranium is very capricious about reproduction , so it should be strictly adhered to the advice given by experienced flower growers.

  1. All reproduction procedures should be carried out in a warm period, when the air temperature corresponds to 18-20 ° C in spring and not more than 25 ° C in summer.
  2. Soil, consisting of equal proportions of perlite sand, peat and turf ground, must be disinfected with manganese or high temperatures.
  3. Sharp knife along the oblique line cut cuttings, which have 2-3 buds. After that, dry the slices and put them in the ground, not watering.
  4. Two weeks after rooting, it is necessary to feed the young bush for the first time.
  5. Approximately a month later, when the stalk will take root, the top should be nipped, this, as you know, will ensure the splendor of your geraniums.

That's all the tricks that we wanted to share with you, and which, we hope, will be useful.