Geranium - reproduction

Geranium or pelargonium is the favorite of many gardeners who have a weakness for flowers. Geranium is a home plant that will delight very beautiful and bright colors. In the flowering period, this wonderful plant is fragrant with a specific aroma. This smell gives a charge of vivacity, lifts the mood, and the flower itself has a lot of positive properties. Essential oils obtained from pelargonium are widely used in medicine, drugs that are made from it, are used even in oncology. Geranium is from hot Africa, but the flower was able to get along well in the Russian latitudes. If you plant pelargonium in the street, then the plant dies in winter, but if you raise it at home, it will please you with magnificent flowers for a long time. It should be noted that this flower blooms at home much longer than on the street. Geranium is rather unpretentious in reproduction, it is possible to grow a new plant both from seeds, and from shoots or cuttings.

Methods of reproduction of geraniums

If you are interested in how to correctly reproduce geranium, then it will be very useful for you to familiarize yourself with this material.

  1. Reproduction by cuttings. The simplest and most effective way to get a new plant is to reproduce geranium with cuttings, the most favorable time for this is autumn, but at another time of the year you are unlikely to suffer a failure. To do this, cut the cutting and pre-dry it a little before planting. Then the future plant is placed in the substrate, very rarely watering, and not even spraying. Geranium, propagated by the cuttings in this way, is very resistant to diseases. But for those who do not like to bother, the grandfather's method - the reproduction of geranium with the help of cuttings in the water - will perfectly suit. In this case the cutting is cut in the spring, then put it in a jar with water, after a week the plant already releases the roots.
  2. Propagation by seeds. And even at home it is very simple to geranium room propagate seeds. The best time for planting is in December, because from the beginning of January the light day will increase. At this time, it is actively growing, forming an adult plant by the end of April, the beginning of May. This method of reproduction of geraniums is good because immediately after freezing your site will decorate wonderful flowering plants.
  3. Reproduction by leaves. Still (according to the principle of growing plants from cuttings), geranium is propagated with leaves. As well as cuttings propagate geranium and sprouts. These methods are no less effective than propagation by cuttings, but the cuttings obviously liked the flower growers more.

Care for geraniums

You can plant geraniums both in the sun and in the shade. This flower feels great everywhere, but flowers are better than those grown in the light. If you plant a geranium on the southern side, then flowering will be very riotous, but the lower leaves and branches of the plant will often die. If you put the geranium in the heat in the sun in a small pot even for a short while, then only the stalk can very quickly leave the plant. If you plant a flower from the east or west side, the bloom will be much longer, but not as riotous as the flowers, oriented to the south. The best place for geraniums is the slightly shaded zones, where light breaks through the leaves. Do not neglect fertilizers . Use alternately organic and mineral mixes, and your plant will look great throughout the flowering time. To stimulate active flowering of geranium, we recommend using mixtures with high content of potassium and phosphorus, but if you want to get more green leaves, then the emphasis should be on nitrogen fertilizers.